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  1. M

    [PSA] It's That Time of Year Again

    Just a friendly reminder that this is about the only time of year to get 2 separate kinds of bees from Forestry...unless Sengir has taken them out of his game. The Merry Bee may be created by breeding Wintry and Forest Bees together around Christmas. According to a couple wikis online, the...
  2. M

    Custom Pictures in Written Books

    I was wondering if anyone knew/knows how to put pictures into books in Minecraft. The book that I'm thinking of in particular as an example are the TiCo books. I was just wondering if there was an easy (relatively) way to put an image into a book (Written Book, made from Book/Quill). I did a...
  3. M

    TiC, auto-repair, Item Frames

    So is it possible to leave a mossed Tinker's Construct tool in an Item Frame, and have it regenerate there? or does it need to be physically on your person?
  4. M

    Custom Mod Pack Error

    So it's not an ID conflict, and it mentions Buildcraft, but if I take BC out, it still has the problem. ---- Minecraft Crash Report ---- // Don't be sad, have a hug! <3 Time: 9/3/13 4:17 PM Description: Initializing game java.lang.NoSuchMethodError...
  5. M

    A REASON to have Roads

    so has anyone else tried out Tinker's Construct's Brownstone Roads? It seems like it doubles your speed (Sprinting speed while walking, fun fast Sprint while Sprinting). It's nice to have a reason to have roads besides aesthetics. For those wondering, they're made by pouring Molten Tin over...
  6. M

    I propose a name change

    I propose that from now on, instead of talking about "Swinging the nerf bat," we instead say that it is instead "Swinging the Greg bat" ....I'm bored, I feel too tried to go to bed (annoying as hell feeling), and this popped into my head. discuss.
  7. M

    Better (AE) Storage

    So I've been playing around with a new (to me) mod called Better Storage. It introduces a few new things, like lockable chests, enchantments for keys to lockpick said locked chests, a vertical double chest called a locker, a (to me, because I rarely upgrade the Forestry backpacks) slightly OP...
  8. M

    What is this, I don't even.....

    So I decided to put together a relatively small mod pack to try out 1.5.1, and I'm coming across two liquids that I can't identify. They both show up purely on world gen, in pools. One is brown, one is pretty much black. I can't pick up either with buckets. The...
  9. M

    My new Best Friends

    Mr. Pump Mr. Tessaract/Mr. Liquicart system/Mr. Liquiduct/Mr. etc Mr. Redstone Energy Cell I had been using a 4x Redstone Engine/2x Lever/Liquid Tessaract, Pump setup, but in trying to clear my quarry of water I was getting fed up, so I plopped down an Energy Cell. Reminded me of the first...
  10. M

    Am I the only one who cringes......

    When people use Coal for fuel? I use Charcoal instead of Coal, and save my Coal for Diamonds/Solar Panels, etc. Why use non-renewable sources of fuel when you can use renewable sources of fuel?
  11. M

    [CHALLENGE] (v4.3-ish 6/7/18) Refugee to Regent Kingdom Building Challenge

    This Challenge is being updated to Version 4.0, and all current information and rules can be found on the Wiki. Fair Warning! I LOVE Bullet points! Currently Writing: 4.3: Mining (Harvesting, Reprocessing, Mining Supports) Next: 4.4: Trade (Storage, Transportation, Roads, and Commerce) On...