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    [1.7.10] Expedition - Exploration, Tech, Magic (v1.1.3 - Updated 25 March 2016)

    Crash Report, was trying to place a crucio sword from magical crops into a crafting table. This happens for both jacb and vanilla tables ---- Minecraft Crash Report ---- // Who set us up the TNT? Time: 12/7/15 5:31 AM Description: Updating screen events...
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    FTB Horizons: Daybreaker Discussion

    I seem to be having a problem looking at the item subsets tab. I can open it up, but I can not look at any of the mods available in the pack. Is this supposed to be this way? If this is so, how can I fix this issue if at all possible. -I made a new world in to see if this bug would again be...
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    [1.7.10] Regrowth - A WIP HQM pack - Now Listed!

    As much as I love this mudpack this new update has some issues for me. I hate wolves. I hate the noise they make. If anyone knows how to disable them from spawning I would appreciate it greatly