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  1. K

    Open 1.1.0: Minetweaker scripts somehow get desync from client

    Version: 1.1.0 What is the bug: Sometimes after disconnecting and reconnecting from our server or maybe even idling for some time the recipe changes from the Minetweaker scripts do not seem to be loaded on the client resulting in non working NEI recipes that work either after reconnecting or...
  2. K

    Open 1.0.4: Extra Utilities: Super Builder's Wand uncraftable

    Version: 1.0.4 + 1.1.0 What is the bug: The super builders wand appears to be non craftable with the normal vanilla ExU recipe nor does NEI show any recipes. (like the regular vanilla wand recipe just with the stable ingots) Mod & Version: ExtraUtilities/MineTweaker