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  1. D

    1.10 unstable Aluminium (or lack thereof)

    If you read the change logs for TiCon aluminium is no longer a part of the mod. If another mod has it, TiCon supports it. In fact I think the only ores it adds to world gen is cobalt and ardite.
  2. D

    What cool little thing have you discovered today?

    Its not a tutorial, but I'm currently playing through the third party pack "Bee Happy" and find it very helpful in learning about bees. Also, NEI is your friend.
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    Trying to make FTB longer and more rewarding

    Or instead of trying another mod pack you could impose a rigid set of game play rules along the lines of the Refugee to Regent Challenge. It is very rigid an limits your introduction to tech very slowly.
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    [1.6.4] Material Energy^3 [JamPacked] [HQM] [CTM] [Beta]

    If what you're talking about is on the second floor, it is several hqm quest gate blocks to keep you from accessing that area too early. They turn invisible after the first couple quests, and are represented by bedrock before that includeing during your first tour of the base.
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    CrashLanding Water micromanagement

    I really like the CrashLanding mod pack, but I don't like the micromanagement of water (and body temp.) I've tried disabling Enviromine and playing the pack without it but ran into another problem. Without Enviromine in the pack the Minetweker config changes for dust are no longer active...
  6. D

    bee breading tree 1.6.4?

    Try the Master Apiarist Database. Its current version is 3.1 and is updated through 1.6.2, I believe. It is not a breeding tree but a comprehensive spreadsheet that I have found very helpful.