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  1. S

    How to create clean double slab?

    Yes thats true but they didn't remove it
  2. S

    Turtle Quarry

    no problem:)
  3. S

    Turtle Quarry

    thats exactly how it works
  4. S

    Turtle Quarry

    Ok, so I post some of my programs. Maybe you can use them to learn. ;) My Stripmine Program is inefficient and messy. I realy should rewrite it. Fuellevel: print("Fuel: "..turtle.getFuelLevel()) "Dig" are some programs that dig and move a certain amount of time Dig: Just replace...
  5. S

    Turtle Quarry

    I would like to try that myself. If you give me some infos about the Mineshaft (how it looks, how wide it is, how many blocks the torches are apart), then I'll try. Might be usefull ;) So far I made a strip mining program and a Buildcraft Quarry like program
  6. S

    The worst spawn you have had?

    I spawned on an Island. The Island wasn't tiny but it was made out of only one Biome, Meadows. Around the Island was nothing but Ocean. On the Island were a few Trees, Bee Hives, Chickens and a small village, nothing special, just some Houses. I had to plant my own little Forest. Everything was...
  7. S

    Most overworld-like Mystcraft world?

    The native biome controller just generates the bioms. Huts and temples would be most likely in the Terrain Features section, but this version of Mystcraft dosn't have symbols for them, so I think you can't have them in an mystcraft age yet. I'm not sure though.
  8. S

    Most overworld-like Mystcraft world?

    Biome: none Biome Controller: Native Biome Controller Lighting: Standart Lighting Sky: Normal Fog Normal Sky Color White Clouds Red Sunset Terrain Features: Caves Dungeons Lakes Lava Lakes Mineshafts Ravines Strongholds Villages Terrain Generation: Standart Terrain Time: Normal Time Weather...
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    Crash Report

    yea, maybe.
  10. S

    Crash Report

    No, unfortunately I can't. It happend kinda random so I don't even know if it was related to the turtle. This never happend before.
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    Crash Report

    I also got a crash for unknown reason What happend? My Turtle strip mined while I mined the ores out of the walls. I just walked to the next tunnel when Minecraft crashed. I don't know if its a FTB bug so I post it here instead I went back ingame and checked my...
  12. S

    What're your favorite new discoveries in FTB?

    Milk can be used as a fuel in biogas engines, it generates 1 MJ/t and it's pretty much an infinity fuel source. I made a BC to IC2 energie transformer by melting netherrack/cobblestone into lava in a magma crucible and then using a geothermal generator to generate EU. Greg Tech makes Solar...