Since @DrowElf didn't do one yet, here is a thread too share advice on the crash landing modpack by @Iskandar !
Here are a few too start with
Water and Food related
-The sapping sapling quest can be completed by putting a water bottle into the transposer
-Water in camel pack is better then drinking it (LostBMe)
-Sieving during the first night will lead too a slab furnace and a pair (or two) or shears (pc-assassin)
-Leaves can lead too water in a Transposer (pc-assassin) or in a crucible (shane2482)
-Leaves, saplings, rotten flesh and many harvestcraft plants can be used in a barrel too make dirt and therefor dirty water and clean water (Shane2482). More explanation HERE.
-Rushing Harvestcraft Quest and Rice soup will greatly delay the diminishing returns (schpeelah)
-You can place water bottle in the barrel (schpeelah)
Early Game tips
-Pyrothium is 3.5x faster then lava on a crucible
-Cover will stop the fire and mob from spawning (Raveb)
-An overhang of glass cover will stop the spider from climbing (schpeelah). Images HERE.
-There is a ton of inside room under the ship. You can use it too gather some dust (schpeelah)
-Quick guide by RollDawg HERE.
City Exploration
-You can bring the strongbox with you at the city, giving you extra space
-(well known but useful)The TiC, PC and BR building have a different shape and their spawners are always at the same place
-Taking the leadstone truster on the metal dust quest can lead too an early jetpack and easier city exploration. Too use with handglider!
-Guide by Raveb: Part one,Part two,Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six
Cobble Gen
-Pyrothium can be used for a stone gen early on
-Transfer nodes can be used for early cobble gen. Only need 11 redstones, 2 stone, a chest and a pipe!
-Go to the road to get cobble black stone (only good to make the slab furnace) (pip69)
-Make channels from the water to the pyroethium (pip69)
-Just keep in mind, when water touches pyrotheum, the the block touching it and the block behind it turn into stone. Put your water source block at least 3 away from the pyrotheum or you'll lose it. (schpeelah)
Steve Factory Tips
-You can use the machine inventory manager (from steves factory manager) for early auto-crafting for those hassle recipes, ie PCR express cards, machine casings, transistors and etc.
-The Item Valve and Rapid Item Valve from Steve's Factory Manager are both very effective ways to pick up loose items (Raveb)
-Water Production with SFM
General tips
-Thing causing heat: TE machines (even when inactive) light sources, lava (even in inventory) (ratchet freak)
-Road lights and glowstone do not raise temperature (schpeelah)
-Make sure your sync shell constructor is in a safe place! Ideally a closed off small room with a power cell/generator and chest with supplies. You never know when your base will be overrun! (Mr-Turing)
-You can use the AE Grindstone to grind two iron ingots and one ferrous ingot (once you've gotten gravel or sand to get it), combine all three together to get three invar blend, then smelt those for three invar ingots (Drawde)
-Consecrated Earth kills undead (Taiine)
-Wood barrel full of water placed near vanilla cobblestone will turn it into mossy cobblestone. 9 mossy cobblestone can be crafted into a ball of moss, which can be used to give your tools auto-repair! (Raveb)
-When Skeletons come in contact with Witch Water, they turn into Wither Skeletons. Spiders turn into poison spiders and Creepers get charged (darkeshrine), Priest to Witch (ME!) and squid to ghast (PODonnell)
-You can use hoppers (5 aluminium and a chest) in place of the item ducts (Shane2482)
Will add to the list as time to go on! (With the name of the one who brings it!)
Here are a few too start with

Water and Food related
-The sapping sapling quest can be completed by putting a water bottle into the transposer
-Water in camel pack is better then drinking it (LostBMe)
-Sieving during the first night will lead too a slab furnace and a pair (or two) or shears (pc-assassin)
-Leaves can lead too water in a Transposer (pc-assassin) or in a crucible (shane2482)
-Leaves, saplings, rotten flesh and many harvestcraft plants can be used in a barrel too make dirt and therefor dirty water and clean water (Shane2482). More explanation HERE.
-Rushing Harvestcraft Quest and Rice soup will greatly delay the diminishing returns (schpeelah)
-You can place water bottle in the barrel (schpeelah)
Early Game tips
-Pyrothium is 3.5x faster then lava on a crucible
-Cover will stop the fire and mob from spawning (Raveb)
-An overhang of glass cover will stop the spider from climbing (schpeelah). Images HERE.
-There is a ton of inside room under the ship. You can use it too gather some dust (schpeelah)
-Quick guide by RollDawg HERE.
City Exploration
-You can bring the strongbox with you at the city, giving you extra space
-(well known but useful)The TiC, PC and BR building have a different shape and their spawners are always at the same place
-Taking the leadstone truster on the metal dust quest can lead too an early jetpack and easier city exploration. Too use with handglider!
-Guide by Raveb: Part one,Part two,Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six
Cobble Gen
-Pyrothium can be used for a stone gen early on
-Transfer nodes can be used for early cobble gen. Only need 11 redstones, 2 stone, a chest and a pipe!
-Go to the road to get cobble black stone (only good to make the slab furnace) (pip69)
-Make channels from the water to the pyroethium (pip69)
-Just keep in mind, when water touches pyrotheum, the the block touching it and the block behind it turn into stone. Put your water source block at least 3 away from the pyrotheum or you'll lose it. (schpeelah)
Steve Factory Tips
-You can use the machine inventory manager (from steves factory manager) for early auto-crafting for those hassle recipes, ie PCR express cards, machine casings, transistors and etc.
-The Item Valve and Rapid Item Valve from Steve's Factory Manager are both very effective ways to pick up loose items (Raveb)
-Water Production with SFM
Have a setup like:
And chest on top of sfm
Input bottle and dirt - craft dirty bottle - output in barrel
Input dirty bottle - output furnace
Input furnace water bottle - output other barrel
Input barrel water bottle - output AA
Input empty bottle from AA into chest
Give it 4 stacks of dirt and enough fuel in the furnace and you will have a drum full of water
And chest on top of sfm
Input bottle and dirt - craft dirty bottle - output in barrel
Input dirty bottle - output furnace
Input furnace water bottle - output other barrel
Input barrel water bottle - output AA
Input empty bottle from AA into chest
Give it 4 stacks of dirt and enough fuel in the furnace and you will have a drum full of water
General tips
-Thing causing heat: TE machines (even when inactive) light sources, lava (even in inventory) (ratchet freak)
-Road lights and glowstone do not raise temperature (schpeelah)
-Make sure your sync shell constructor is in a safe place! Ideally a closed off small room with a power cell/generator and chest with supplies. You never know when your base will be overrun! (Mr-Turing)
-You can use the AE Grindstone to grind two iron ingots and one ferrous ingot (once you've gotten gravel or sand to get it), combine all three together to get three invar blend, then smelt those for three invar ingots (Drawde)
-Consecrated Earth kills undead (Taiine)
-Wood barrel full of water placed near vanilla cobblestone will turn it into mossy cobblestone. 9 mossy cobblestone can be crafted into a ball of moss, which can be used to give your tools auto-repair! (Raveb)
-When Skeletons come in contact with Witch Water, they turn into Wither Skeletons. Spiders turn into poison spiders and Creepers get charged (darkeshrine), Priest to Witch (ME!) and squid to ghast (PODonnell)
-You can use hoppers (5 aluminium and a chest) in place of the item ducts (Shane2482)
Will add to the list as time to go on! (With the name of the one who brings it!)
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