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Client provisioning - allow Minecraft servers to configure clients with mods and configs (i.e. transferring the needed files from server to client on demand).

I have spent some time trying to create this mod myself, but it seems impossible (or very difficult) to accomplish without modifying Forge / core classes. It would be fantastic if we could get support for this in Forge directly!

How it could work:

When a client is missing mods or otherwise is configured wrong for a server, Instead of only displaying an error message and then disconnecting, the following would be displayed:

Your Minecraft installation differs from the server you are connecting to:
< scrollable list detailing the differences >

Allow server <address> to configure your Minecraft client installation?
< buttons with "Proceed" and "Cancel" >

If the user accepts, the entire "mods" and "config" folders are (forcibly) synced with corresponding "client-mods" and "client-config" folders located on the server (it can't be the server's mods folder due to client-only mods).
After the sync, the player restarts Minecraft and connects to the server again. This would allow server admins to only update the server, and all connecting clients would automatically be correctly updated.

The client could initially send a combined SHA-1 of all mods and configs to the server, so any difference would be detected. Further communication could then be performed, if needed, to determine the required changes. Some configurable throttling could perhaps be used to prevent servers from too much strain by the downloads.

Obviously there are some security concerns, but for private server admins, especially those who doesn't run unmodified "off-the-shelf" mod packs, this functionality would be pure gold.
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After noticing a few topics recently about optifine and all the issues it has, an optimization mod would be nice. There are many people who used optifine to make the game playable on their PC's. I know mods handle many of their own texture things like connected textures so not sure that part is needed anymore, but the adjustments you could make in the video settings were very useful. I can't stand the fog at Bedrock and usually turn it off. Also being able to use multiple cores to load chunks made the game so much smoother. I know there are other parts too, but just can't think of them off the top of my head. With Forge being as powerful as it is, why couldn't it be something that is added to it since Optifine doesn't seem like it will ever be fixed.
A true genetics lab, where you take creatures already in minecraft and mix and match them. Creeper bomb ability on a pig; skeletons that can climb walls like spiders, sheep that drop beef when killed, cows that can be milked for ink. Potentially expandable to add mobs from other mods, like dryads from ars magicka or blue slimes.
I'd like a mod that does something about the ridiculously overpowered "Zombie reinforcement" spawning system put into 1.6 It was supposed to make the night a bit more perilous by occasionally summoning more zombies if you didn't dispatch the first one quickly enough. I started a new world last night with the new Direwolf pack without even knowing about this change, and every night a single zombie encounter quickly morphed into a platoon of at least a dozen. Several in armor, spawning right next to or even behind me (or in your house!). All immediately agro'd on me. With so many enemies on screen at once, my fps starts to drop to unplayable levels, and then a creeper blows something up and I die, and respawn to even more mob agro'd on me.
Kind of hard to deal running around in first day gear.
if some one could bring the turret mod by sanandreaseP up to current the mod author has made it now open source saying he has been busy and unable to update it. if any one can please add a open to attack players. and frequency protection

minecraft thread
post where author talks about putting mod as opensource

I like playing in survival but for building large things i often mock it up in a creative test world first because it is so much easier since you can fly and don't have to run to a chest every time you want to try a new material. So here is my mod idea, though in my imagination its a perfect add on to applied energistics...

You map out a space where your build will go with something like landmarks, and activate the machine... it transports you to an ethereal dimension that is a copy of that space and you are in creative+ mode...

In that mode you design your build and when you are done trying everything out you exit the dimension. Then the machine replicates the build, populating it from the materials in your ME network. Obviously You would need to make sure all of the necessary blocks are in the network and gather them if they aren't.

I would see the machine being very expensive maybe a multiblock structure whose size determines the max number of blocks. Maybe there's a power cost for every minute your in the creative dimension and you die if the power isn't there, i don't know.

This might already exist, or might not be even possible, but its a mod that I would like.
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I like playing in survival but for building large things i often mock it up in a creative test world first because it is so much easier since you can fly and don't have to run to a chest every time you want to try a new material. So here is my mod idea, though in my imagination its a perfect add on to applied energistics...

You map out a space where your build will go with something like landmarks, and activate the machine... it transports you to an ethereal dimension that is a copy of that space and you are in creative+ mode...

In that mode you design your build and when you are done trying everything out you exit the dimension. Then the machine replicates the build, populating it from the materials in your ME network. Obviously You would need to make sure all of the necessary blocks are in the network and gather them if they aren't.

I would see the machine being very expensive maybe a multiblock structure whose size determines the max number of blocks. Maybe there's a power cost for every minute your in the creative dimension and you die if the power isn't there, i don't know.

This might already exist, or might not be even possible, but its a mod that I would like.

there is a mod... somewhat like you've mentioned. Mr.Crayfish created a mod called Construction mod. it's basically the old builder of Buildcraft.
you can create a structure in a creative world, then you can write that structure onto a blueprint. then you can go to your adventure world, craft the blueprint, put the blueprint in a building block, and it'll tell you the items it need. then craft a hammer and keep hammering that block, and it'll build the structure.

it's still mostly done manual, and it can only take vanilla building blocks, but I still like the mod alot. incase you're interested...

I also heard there may be plans for updating the builder in Buildcraft, so who knows, we may see the builder coming back in a while ;)
MFFS (calclavia's version, it is in the current Direwolf20 pack) has a couple of auto building options. There is a module called field stabilising module which gives the force field projector the ability to draw blocks from an adjacent chest and place them in world. There are a couple of default patterns including cuboid and sphere but there is also a custom forcefield mechanic which allows you to copy an existing structure and replicate it. I think it will use the correct blocks as well. Very power hungry (and slow) but I have used the sphere pattern before and it did a good job. I think Direwolf20 does a good job of explaining it in a fairly old spotlight and I expect he will showcase the mod more in his current lets play
I've got a request that, while simple, is of a likely large scope: a mod that divorces the server from the client, for SSP players.

Co-Op is a good thing, don't get me wrong, but Mojang (like they do quite often) bungled it with a half-arsed kludge of a solution of simply having the client and server merged, with the latter running constantly. As others have noted, this has horribly affected timing-based things like fighting ghasts and creepers. It has also, no doubt, affected game performance because a once optional piece of software is running constantly.

My suggestion is thus: have the server engage ONLY when the "Open to LAN" options are confirmed and the server actually NEEDS to run. This way, SSP players like myself don't have that idiotic amount of overhead hanging over our games and needlessly sucking our FPS and general performance. The Forge team has fixed so many of Mojang's mistakes, I'm curious if they or someone else had the abilities necessary to fix this, in my opinion, rather glaring one in a way that would be more "under the hood" than anything, and create a minimum of interference for mod authors.
Actually, I suspect that the internal server is improving things.

Having two threads means that if you have two or more cores, more of the CPU can be used, and the program should actually run better, not worse.

Now, there may be issues with the client and server not being synchronized well enough. Perhaps forcing a sync every frame of display, while giving slightly lower FPS, will give better response (faster/smoother response to key presses) and better results.

I know that boats in 125 single player were a delight, but 125 multiplayer, and ever single player since, have been absolute pains. So there is room for improvement.

But being able to make use of more CPU power should only make the situation better, not worse.
Alright, I admit I don't understand your concern.

In "normal" (old single player) play, you take user input, determine if enough time has passed, and then calculate tick information / NPC behavior.

In multiplayer play, you take user input, and pass it to the server side; the server side determines if enough time has passed, and then calculates tick information / NPC behavior.

Other than synchronization issues -- single player is supposed to always check for user input (there was a LWJGL thread priority bug a long time ago), while SMP, being in two threads, can run without being in synch -- there is no real difference.
Hi all,
I have an idea/concept for a mod that I would like to share with people to hear their thoughts and to refine it enough that hopefully someone with some development skills will implement it. I am not precious about it so feel free to make suggestions on things that you think will improve it, either be including or removing.

  • To add longevity to a Minecraft world and stave off boredom when you hit the endgame
  • To encourage a player to use as many different mods as possible
  • To encourage a player to think of both efficiency and large scale
  • To take advantage of competitive spirit

The mod would actually be a very simple one; I would like to design a whole mod that is basically an item sink, very similar to the original FTB (The map not the modpack).
  • Each player gets a device/block
  • They earn points for items that they dump, place, pipe or network into the device
  • They do not get the items back
  • Point are not static, i.e. the first time you put an item in you will get considerably more points that the second or third i.e. you might get 5 points the first time you put obsidian in so you decide to make an obsidian farm, you only get 1 point for multiples of 10 you put in, then drops to 1 for every 100, then 1 for every 1000 etc. You can still earn points but your time is better spent automating another process
  • It would work with blocks, items, liquids, entities
  • It would be compatible with any mod you desire, simply by adding a point system for all the items in that mod
  • You would be able to /SeeLeaderboard to show who on the server has most points
  • You would be able to create teams and work together (multiple devices with the same id) which will be shown on the leader board as teams
What I hope would happen is that people would start to think about the lots of different ways they can use mods, hopefully encouraging people to revisit bits of the game they have stopped using, explore new mods that they have never gotten around to and generally experience more of the game.

  • It will be a very laborious job to work out point system for every item in the game, not to mention that you would need diminishing returns (not a generic reduction but one that scales to how hard/easy it is to automate). I don’t want it to be as easy as setting up lots of quarries and you win, it should be the people that are trying the most varied things that are the leaders.
  • Not everyone wants to play a competitive game. The answer to this for me is simple; if you don’t want to be included you have a setting on your device that takes your name off the leader board.
  • Entities may be difficult to get into a block, my initial thought was MFR’s safari net (Although I suppose the mod could add its own version of the net in case people want to run the mod without MFR)
I am keen to hear people’s views, please let me know what you think and whether or not this can be achieved.

I am in no way precious about credit etc, if you like the idea and make the mod, all I ask is you let me know about it so that I can add it to my server. Not worried about being involved but more than happy to help if you can utilise a coding iliterate moron.

If this has been suggested before or is a terrible idea please just kindly point it out without flaming, I am looking for constructive not destructive.


I reserve the right to edit this as I am consious that my spelling and grammer is terrible :)
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Alright, I admit I don't understand your concern.

In "normal" (old single player) play, you take user input, determine if enough time has passed, and then calculate tick information / NPC behavior.

In multiplayer play, you take user input, and pass it to the server side; the server side determines if enough time has passed, and then calculates tick information / NPC behavior.

Other than synchronization issues -- single player is supposed to always check for user input (there was a LWJGL thread priority bug a long time ago), while SMP, being in two threads, can run without being in synch -- there is no real difference.
My primary concern is that the server, when not in use is, if nothing else, taking up resources that could otherwise go toward the game itself. If you wanted an asynchronous, multithreaded environment to better exploit parallelism and multi-core CPUs, then I'd suggest this, for SSP:

Thread 1 - Main game loop. Handles the various game states, rendering, and so on.
Thread 2 - The world thread. Handles any block-based states, such as flowing fluid calculations, block manipulation, ticking tile entities, and so on.
Thread 3 - The mob thread. Handles both hostile and passive mobs, their states, and AI routines.
Thread 4 - The player thread. Handles the player themselves as well as their interactions with the other game threads.

None of this requires that a server need be active. In fact, the server would likely be its own thread, Thread 5, and only ever initialized when needed for Co-Op hosting, in my setup. Yeah, it'd be more difficult to setup, but in the long run, it'd likely be simpler to maintain. If you want to change block interaction, just go to the code that represents Thread 2, and do what needs doing. The threads would also be able to talk to one another, not requiring a go-between, they need only be programmed with that capability, if Java doesn't have it natively in its threading classes.
Oh my... how did I miss this thread? :O
Okay, I'm gonna shoot ahead and hope nobody already suggested my suggestion. (I didn't read all 20 pages but I did use search).
Mod suggestion:

I want a machine, nay, a complex of machines that ends up being a reactor.
This reactor will sense all green life (grass, trees, bunnies, grass-dirtblocks so forth) and devour all this flourishing greenery, leaving nothing but a dead wasteland. - within a certain radius. Not the entire world... need more reactors for that. -
The reactor will accumulate power by this green stuff. With this players could... well use it as a alternative power source for other mods machines. But wait! there's more...

Within this complex one machine will use this energy to create an item. A materia. A random green/red or blue orb.
These orbs could be used either by hand or stuffed in a belt, or perhaps a bracelet?, to wreak magically enhanced havoc!

Green orbs would be offensive magic. Lightning, Ice, Fire, Poison and what have you...
Blue orbs would be supportive magic. Linked with the green it would: target all enemy mobs, hit 1 mob 4 times, make the player use that element with his meele weapon or defend against that element (depends on the equipped item).
Red orbs.... oh man. These are the real deal. Summons.
Who wouldn't want a red flaming, hot-headed, giant devil to throw a huge fireball on your mobs.
Or a (ahem properly dressed! ahem) beautiful ice cold lady giving those creepers the cold shoulder.
Or a titan of a man that picks up a chunk of blocks and slams it on top of mobs!

The devouring wouldn't be without consequence, of course not! No greenery, no planting wheat or potatoes on spoiled dirtblocks.
And to make the gameplay interesting there should be unique mobs that spawn on this cursed dirt.

Maybe a fireball looking enemy mob, which acts like a creeper. Except it doesn't grow back when the player hits it, it keeps getting bigger... Bigger=bigger boom!

To top it off: why leave those harmless villagers alone? Drag one inside a metallic cask linked to the reactor, pumping the thing with energy. Now leave that humanoid a minecraft day or two and open to see what you get. A super enhanced soldier that will guard you? Or maybe a mindless monster that runs in a crazed rampart destroying the village, nature and bunnies and maybe turn on its creator torturer.... mwahahahaa...:insertdevilsmiley:

Sooo yeah. A simple tech mod with magic as endgame, or maybe middlegame, content. Depends on the complexity of the machines and how much resources a reactor would cost.
That's my major flaw in this absolutly devilish mod idea, I have no idea how the reactor should look like. Design has never been my strongest side.

That's all! I hope some adorable mod dev will find this interesting :3

and yeah I might have gotten this inspiration from a game... ;)
Edit. decided to add pictures, in the lucky event a bored mod dev finds my idea lucrative but not fully seeing my dream.


This I want :3
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I wish for another mod to do something along the lines of GregTech, though without the "altering recipes" thing. I'm talking about the expensive end-game stuff as well as the plethora of rare materials required to get there.

In IC2, getting your first Macerator down is kind of a milestone. It gets even sweeter when you finally have a reliable enough energy setup, as well as enough resources, to get it upgrated to a Rotary Macerator. The feeling as you see it spin up, each ore being macerated faster than the previous one, and eventually the machine eating away ores at speeds you could only dream of with the basic Macerator. The Rotary Macerator is a bit of an ivestment, but totally worth it. Tier 2 is a goal to strive for, and one that it's fun to achieve. I always feel that tingly satisfaction when I finally can operate a rig capable of processing everything my quarry produces, on the fly.

Then in GregTech, somebody (Greg, probably) decided to add another tier. The Industrial Grinder is based on the concept of the Macerator, but man does he take it further. Almost thirty times bigger than its predecessors, it requires a great amount of resources and power as well as an active cooling system. And when it spins up, all sorts of wonderful things happen. It is powerful enough to extract the tiny amounts of rare metals contained in regular Ore blocks, so using an Industrial Grinder will net you more profit than just a regular Rotary Macerator. A significant investment, but totally worth it.

The other thing GregTech does well, is implementing an usage for those rare metals. Anybody played Tekkit Lite? It had this very rare metal, the Shiny Metal Ingot (obtained by smelting dust you only got once in a while when Pulverizing the rare Ferrous Metal). What did it do? Nothing but being the second most powerful way to upgrade an obscure set of machines, behind Emeralds (which were WAY easier to acquire). Likewise, Tungsten Ore was rare, but served no purpose whatsoever. Hard to acquire, but ultimately pointless. GregTech combined expensive machines with rare materials, requiring both to make the really expensive end-game stuff.

This really expensive end-game stuff also increases the longevity of a game. The reason why I quit Tekkit Lite and started looking into FTB, was the sensation that I had conquered what it had to offer. Once you get a reliable way to craft large amounts of Solar Panels, you're really set for the game. My quarries had stripped an area the size of a large stadium down to bedrock. My ME network stored hundreds of thousands of blocks in my depot, and let me craft whatever I pleased. I was making UU-matter at a rate of several pieces a minute. There really wasn't anything to aim for any more. However, with all my wealth and all my efforts, I would still not have half the resources required to operate, say, a Fusion Reactor. I also had no real reason to go to the End or explore the Nether, I couldn't find anything there I didn't have in plenty in the Overworld already. Not so much in GT, where I'd have to slay the Ender Dragon and explore the Nether just to begin collecting resources for my end-game goals.

However, GregTech has also taken a few unpopular turns, causing it to be shunned by other modders and alienating several players. It is a bit like ordering a package of TV channels, if you want the good stuff you must also tolerate waves of stuff you'll never watch. As of the latest version, you practically need to chop down a forest to create a torch, and refined iron tools are required to make a simple bucket.

Would it be an idea for somebody else to try to replicate the late-game content of GregTech, without upsetting the early-game or all the other modders making stuff for the game? Somehing that adds to existing mods, builds on their tier system, and finds a use for the rare resources largely ignored by other modders. Multi-block machines requiring significant investment and infrastructure to operate, but gives you enough in return for it to be worth it. Machines that not only operate more efficiently than the existing ones, but also look the part. End-game stuff that requires you to strip the land of resources to build, but in return can fulfill all your end-game needs. And some machines made just to find a use to the crap you dig up but find no use for (really, anything that gives a use to Rotten Flesh, Nikolite, Creosote Oil or Slimeballs would be deeply appreciated). That is what makes GregTech so attractive to me.
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Something i'd like as a server admin is a tool to scan the server for item Id's and block Id's and change them to another Id, report the location of them or just remove them.

I can assume this is will take a while to scan if you have a large world, but it would help very much if you happen to have problems with Ids that has to be changed or found. Now recent to find any possible remaining TE pipes in the world before a update.

Maybe something like it already exist that i don't know about?
I have been thinking about coding this for a couple weeks but lack time.

Cuisine Craft:
*** A complete overhaul of food in Minecraft

Cows, Pigs and Chickens now drop carcasses. These can be cooked as is or cut into different cuts of meat and then cooked.

New Machines:
- Gas Stove
- Electric Stove
- Convection Oven
- Commercial Pastry Oven
- Cupboards, Counters and Sink (Multiblock) (For storing utensils and preparing meals)
- Grill

New Items:
- Butcher Knife (Used for carving meat and as a Iron Sword)
- Mixing Bowl
- Rolling Pin
- Pots
- Recipe Book (Starts out Empty and fills up as you make more dishes

New Food:

- Wheat + Bucket of Water (or placed in counter with mixing bowl and water supply) --> Dough
- Dough --> Uncooked Bread (Loaf or Buns)
- Dough + Sugar (With Cake Tin) ---> Cake Dough
- Dough + Pasta Machine --> Uncooked Pasta
- 1 pork carcass would give pork ribs, pork tenderloin, pork chop and bacon. Each of which can be cooked separately
- 1 cow carcass would give several cuts of beef
- 1 chicken carcass would be able to be seasoned and cooked as is or cut to get wings, thighs and breasts
- Use Xycraft corn for creamed corn or grind it for cornmeal (made into cornbread) or extract it for Corn Syrup (Liquid Sugar)
- Different combinations of meat + spices or vegetables + spices give more food points (or saturation) (eg. High Glycemic index foods give more immediate food but less saturation) or short term potion effects
- Coffee (Gives short speed boost and mining speed boost for 30 seconds)

New WorldGen:

- New Seeds:
----- Sugar (Separate from Reeds)
----- Pepper
----- Salt (Either isolated from boiling water or filtered from sand)
----- Other Spices
----- Tomatoes and other vegetables and Fruits
- New Villager:
----- Gardener
----- Trades for spices and for recipes and gives emeralds for good dishes
----- Has Small Garden near house with Spices, Vegetables
----- Has some kitchen equipment to "borrow" inside

Suggestions are welcome!!!

Well, I was thinking on doing this mod. Can I borrow your idea?
P.S.: I will give credit for your ideas ;)
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