Request Best way to ore process from a quarry to AE2

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
As title describes what is the best way to have a quarry running and process all of the ores, blocks, etc. and put them into an AE2 system?


What exactly do you mean by saying "the best"? Fastest? Cheapest? With the highest output? Most efficient?


Most efficient
Then you can probably get a gearbox from Thaumc Energistics, and use golems to macerate ores and them smelt pulverized metals in the Infernal Furnace from Thaumcraft. You won't need to maintain such setup.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Then you can probably get a gearbox from Thaumc Energistics, and use golems to macerate ores and them smelt pulverized metals in the Infernal Furnace from Thaumcraft. You won't need to maintain such setup.

While OP is being vauge this isn't exactly the most efficient in any realm. The AE2 grinder doesn't always double and golems are derpy AF, they by themselves have a time maintaince cost.

OP could also mean the best way to transfer from the quarry to the AE system. Which in this case a Tesseract is the most efficient in speed, setup and despite needing mid game materials and infrastructure.
They can either ouput it directly to their storage and export to the ore refinery or the other way around which would be better. Very few uses for raw ore, no need to keep it in AE at all.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"most efficient" does not make any sense here.

The usual thing is a buildcraft quarry paired with a Tesseract or Dimensional Transceiver. These will both supply RF as well as accept the items the quarry is outputting with no rate limit.

The tesseract / dimensional transceiver that is receiving items should be the same one that is sending power if you are not chunkloading - this ensures the quarry stops if the receiving site is not loaded and can't process.

In terms of processing - your options are really open - the most effective would be for the tesseract to directly inject the ores into your AE system via an Interface - and then use export busses to insert the stuff into your choice of macerator / pulverizer / crusher for the initial stage of your ore multiplication.

It won't be "more efficient" but it might be more logical to use a separate AE system for Ore storage and processing.

The advantage of going directly into AE is - if properly monitored - the storage of AE is virtually unlimited and the interface will accept as many items per tick as the tesseract/transceiver can push. I don't know if you can connect ducts and/or item conduits directly to transceivers - so you need an intermediate inventory which runs the risk of becoming backstuffed if ores are arriving too quickly for the system to process.

ratchet freak

Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2012
The most efficient is to filter out the ores and cobble (and cobble clones) out to the ore-processing and voiding resp. before it even touches the main AE system.


Forum Addict
Jul 27, 2013
Tesseract is better for direct injection into an AE system, since it has no power buffer. You shut off one end of it, and it breaks connection instantly. Dimensional Transceiver has a 250k power buffer to drain.

Efficiency is a strange question. Is it the highest speed processing available? If so then IC2 still wins with it's one operation per tick superclocking. If it's the most output per input, Rotarycraft and Mekanism are both capable of 5x duplication. Sheer number of steps slows the process unless you process in multiple parallel lines. I find Magneticraft's 3x+bonus to be a good mid-ground between pure speed and pure output. It requires four machines, but none are so slow that they really jam the system. The only problem comes from not having it's own smelting. Most furnace's aren't fast enough to keep up. I ended up splitting it between two Railcraft steam ovens.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I always prefer to do a single item output line using a good item transfer pipe, usually enderio.

Quarry outputs either into an ender chest, tesseract or dimensional transceiver. In the base, an item pipe drives it through the system, where everything ends up in an AE Interface.
Along the way, filters decide what happens at each junction. Ores for example, go into large buffer chests which then feed into the pulverizer. Pulverizer primary output goes into the smelter and secondary down the output pipe.

Cobble goes into a crafter to be compressed etc. That way I do not have to fiddle around with export buses, and I can put interfaces in the furnaces for crafting, which again will pipe right into AE without slow import buses.

At the start of this transfer line I put my incoming tesseract, any ender chests I want to be emptied into AE, tree farm outputs and what have you. Everything gets sorted and processed according to the same rules regardless where I harvest it.

The problem with export buses is that if you really need something that is usually autoprocessed, you can't store it in AE without making special rules with level emitters. With my setup, I can mine coal ore and store it in AE if I wish, without instantly sending it to the pulverizer.


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2013
I don't know what nonsense you guys are all blabbing, but for as far as I know, the most efficient ore processing mod is MineTweaker.
You want 64 blocks per ore? No problem.

But seriously, that question does not really make sense, in what scope of mods (what modpack) are you searching for the best yield?

If you were asking about the most compact system to process a lot of different ores: I have had really good experiences with Logisticspipes.

If you are looking for a set of configs and Minetweaker scripts that would really challenge you in the domain of ore processing, please take a look at this.
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Jul 28, 2013
Use the previously mentioned Tesseract/Quarry combo for acquisition and transport of stuffs.
Send debris (cobble dirt etc) direct to DSUs in a separate storage subnet
Send ores to a processing subnet containing a large bank of Rotarycraft extractors and [insert smelting method of choice] for the flakes.
Import directly from smelty thing to storage subnet.

Laugh maniacally.


So... What modpack is this so we can come up with an idea that supports the mods you're playing with?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Use the previously mentioned Tesseract/Quarry combo for acquisition and transport of stuffs.
Send debris (cobble dirt etc) direct to DSUs in a separate storage subnet
Send ores to a processing subnet containing a large bank of Rotarycraft extractors and [insert smelting method of choice] for the flakes.
Import directly from smelty thing to storage subnet.

Laugh maniacally.

If you're using RoC already, you might as well go to a bank of Friction Heaters on Furnaces.

I have to agree with the overall sentiment of the responses so far, in that with such a vague request, there is no right or wrong answer. More information is needed to limit the available options, else the "right" answer is major overkill using the most disgusting options available.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I use a pretty simple auto pulverizer/smelter using AE2 interfaces, EnderIO machines and conduits and nodes from extra utilities... may not be the fastest, but is the most efficient, probably there are better setup than this but i like the simplicity of this, here's a pic for explanations


--What is happening to the pic --

My ae2 system is a level above this room, so i used one side of a controller to connect 8 interfaces ( 4 for sag mill and 4 for alloy smelters )

Sag mill side : Three of four interfaces are connected with transfer node, sending the ore to the machine and one with a retrieval node to take back the pulverized ore.

Alloy smelter side : Three of four interfaces are connected with transfer node, sending the pulverized ore and some other stuff like golden coin, some nether ores and the other interface connected with retrieval node, sending the ingots back to the system.

All nodes are full of upgrades, no filters, so, the first ore that he see in the system, he will pulverize and cook instantly.

Note that if u have more than one quarry with speed 3 upgrade, this system cannot do miracles, so many ores will be in the wait to be processed... in my world, i have 50k silver dust to be cooked just waiting for the rest of the ores, since is automatic, i dont really care about it...

Like i said, it may not be the fastest and best setup, but it is efficient, giving ou more ores than the normal. hope this help


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I use a pretty simple auto pulverizer/smelter using AE2 interfaces, EnderIO machines and conduits and nodes from extra utilities... may not be the fastest, but is the most efficient, probably there are better setup than this but i like the simplicity of this, here's a pic for explanations


--What is happening to the pic --

My ae2 system is a level above this room, so i used one side of a controller to connect 8 interfaces ( 4 for sag mill and 4 for alloy smelters )

Sag mill side : Three of four interfaces are connected with transfer node, sending the ore to the machine and one with a retrieval node to take back the pulverized ore.

Alloy smelter side : Three of four interfaces are connected with transfer node, sending the pulverized ore and some other stuff like golden coin, some nether ores and the other interface connected with retrieval node, sending the ingots back to the system.

All nodes are full of upgrades, no filters, so, the first ore that he see in the system, he will pulverize and cook instantly.

Note that if u have more than one quarry with speed 3 upgrade, this system cannot do miracles, so many ores will be in the wait to be processed... in my world, i have 50k silver dust to be cooked just waiting for the rest of the ores, since is automatic, i dont really care about it...

Like i said, it may not be the fastest and best setup, but it is efficient, giving ou more ores than the normal. hope this help

The only thing I don't like about the unfiltered system is I find myself occasionally running out of a commonly used ingot (such as iron) due to a large streak of other material (such as your 50k silver) hogging all the processing systems. Thus I usually make a few dedicated lines for my most used ores, then let the rest fight it out after I have a decent supply of each in storage.


Jul 28, 2013
The only thing I don't like about the unfiltered system is I find myself occasionally running out of a commonly used ingot (such as iron) due to a large streak of other material (such as your 50k silver) hogging all the processing systems. Thus I usually make a few dedicated lines for my most used ores, then let the rest fight it out after I have a decent supply of each in storage.

One processing thingy per ore, then build up from there to load balance. That way you have a constant supply of every mineral :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thermal Expansion will be your best bet. however, if Do have IC2, use it for ore trippling and speedy madness.

Sent from a phone running tapatalk OS


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The only thing I don't like about the unfiltered system is I find myself occasionally running out of a commonly used ingot (such as iron) due to a large streak of other material (such as your 50k silver) hogging all the processing systems. Thus I usually make a few dedicated lines for my most used ores, then let the rest fight it out after I have a decent supply of each in storage.

You can just simply change the setup, this is a little bit complex, stick transfer node and retrieval node in each of the machines, all filtered with the main ores, and let one to cook and pulverize other random things.