Recent content by Zelden

  1. Z

    Life without Bukkit - Help!

    Please post back if you get any viable solutions. AFAIK there's no way to hard-cap mystcraft worlds or anchors - we have them banned outright and still have crippling tickrate lag. I really hope there's some fixes coming soon, and some plugin support to help keep lag-inducing items limited.
  2. Z

    These are required for administration

    Any updates on this are eagerly awaited. I just wish they would delay release until these server issues are resolved.
  3. Z

    FTB Release!

    Can the mods suggest how this is supposed to be viable in SMP? I'm hugely enthusiastic about the modpack, I really am. But I can't help but feel dread at the prospect of trying to admin a server of a hundred or so people, without any plugin support, and so many server-crashing items. I...