Recent content by VaultTec_CEO

  1. V

    [CHALLENGE] (v4.3-ish 6/7/18) Refugee to Regent Kingdom Building Challenge

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but the wiki was not always hosted on wikia, and the old outline was copy pasted from the old domain and labeled "classic". In the transition, (way before i started this playthrough) I remember the wiki being down (as it was switching hands to wikia?) My point is, after...
  2. V

    [CHALLENGE] (v4.3-ish 6/7/18) Refugee to Regent Kingdom Building Challenge

    Here's that link to my progress, real life called nearly every day this week, so my hovel is still dirt, hopefully can make more progress with it this weekend, enjoy!
  3. V

    [CHALLENGE] (v4.3-ish 6/7/18) Refugee to Regent Kingdom Building Challenge

    Planned on posting my first few screenies of my 1.7.10 world, however it's now pretty late and I feel as though there isn't enough worth showing, aside from the amazing seed! ;) Stay tuned for the first few tomorrow!
  4. V

    [CHALLENGE] (v4.3-ish 6/7/18) Refugee to Regent Kingdom Building Challenge

    No update in a few days, as I've been a little busy over the weekend, and only just scratched the surface of Wood Settlement. However I've chopped down tons of trees and I've set up my house which I am very proud of. It's a little high class for such an early point in the challenge, and while...
  5. V

    [CHALLENGE] (v4.3-ish 6/7/18) Refugee to Regent Kingdom Building Challenge

    A hungry node just swallowed me up while exploring, lost a few stacks of wood along with my backpacks and their contents :( I'm just relieved I lost items dying while I'm just beginning, rather than later on. I don't suppose I can ever get my things back, can I?
  6. V

    [CHALLENGE] (v4.3-ish 6/7/18) Refugee to Regent Kingdom Building Challenge

    Started this over the weekend, just about finished with the Dirt Hovel stage, on normal difficulty (30 something points so far). Not really much to show but I'll post more images as things get progressively more interesting! I'm not sure about any Cubeiasm deities, added challenges or other...
  7. V

    Mods I added to DW20 1.6.4 (and work!)

    I've done the same myself, what mods have you added to the Direwolf20 pack? I added in some of the Horizons mods such as witchery, and some others.
  8. V

    BoP in Default Worlds

    so i found a config option for biomes o' plenty in the terrain config, and enabled an option for bop generation in default worlds. so both are possible :) after the ugly initial transition of vanilla biomes into new bop biomes ofcourse
  9. V

    BoP in Default Worlds

    Yeah, i'm positive. I had a previous world that was crappy with BoP enabled. I love my current world but i may just disable all the biomes i dont want in the config and do BoP terrain again
  10. V

    BoP in Default Worlds

    That's unfortunate, does anyone know if BoP pages spawn in chests/dungeons/structures? so i can at least construct an age with BoP pages, hopefully there's no limit to biome pages per age
  11. V

    BoP in Default Worlds

    I checked, it is enabled in the pack, at the point in my world I haven't explored much, however the only non vanilla biome I've found was one Magical forest biome in the middle of an ocean, however it was filled with thaumcraft trees so I didn't think it would be from Biomes o' plenty
  12. V

    BoP in Default Worlds

    As the title states, I created a world with all default settings in the Direwolf20 pack for 1.6.4 because I still like to see the vanilla biomes fairly often and didn't want the bop terrain to generate a lot. Will this option get rid of all BoP biome generation? Even items and things like nether...
  13. V

    Suggest Mods for FTB Here

    DartCraft - Adds world generation in the form of Power ore (overworld and nether generation) which the mod basically revolves around. When mined you receive an item known as power gem which create force ingots used for tools and...
  14. V

    32x [32x] JohnSmith Technician's Remix

    Regular oak planks are invisible, any fix for this?
  15. V

    Whitelist Server HavenCraft 'Reborn' | CLOSED | Archive

    Age: 18 In-game Name: VaultTec_CEO Have you fully read and understood the rules?: Yes. Motivate us why we should whitelist you: I've played Minecraft since the VERY early beta days, around two years ago. Being skilled in vanilla wasn't something I just magically acquired, I slowly learned the...