Recent content by MMiner098

  1. M

    Unleash The Monster! {WIP} Coincidental Name Right? Unleashed

    I dont mcedit as i said beforeNew version if you want to check it out.
  2. M

    Unleash The Monster! {WIP} Coincidental Name Right? Unleashed

    im actually making it. Not sure how i would give the items though :(
  3. M

    Unleash The Monster! {WIP} Coincidental Name Right? Unleashed

    any ideas on a design for a forestry area to get forestry items?
  4. M

    Unleash The Monster! {WIP} Coincidental Name Right? Unleashed

    I'm not sure how to use that either which is annoying is it from railcraft?
  5. M

    Unleash The Monster! {WIP} Coincidental Name Right? Unleashed

    um ok but i still have no idea how to make a efficient trading system without using MCEdit/Villagers
  6. M

    Unleash The Monster! {WIP} Coincidental Name Right? Unleashed

    um please lead me through this process
  7. M

    Unleash The Monster! {WIP} Coincidental Name Right? Unleashed

    I hasen't posted the new one... I have no idea how to do the trading system I have no expeirence with MCEdit and I really bad with command blocks any ideas?
  8. M

    Unleash The Monster! {WIP} Coincidental Name Right? Unleashed

    i have redone it now there is a trading hall, an (almost forgot that) end portal, soon to be a thaumcraft starter room, and probably more suggestions will be taken in i meant for the collecting of items. Plus i have reletevley bad laptop and i get atleast 30 frames. I forgot my settings...
  9. M

    Unleash The Monster! {WIP} Coincidental Name Right? Unleashed

    um ok goreae i didnt use mcedit i just nuked...ill work on it now but how can i do that again while making a new world? itll take me ages just to get the book againIll redo the whole entire booping thing okay?
  10. M

    Unleash The Monster! {WIP} Coincidental Name Right? Unleashed

    Welcome to Unleash The Monster! Well download link right here: Unleash the New version coming out soon. Please be patient :D This map doesn't have any way to get: Copper Silver Tin Redstone Lapis Most Mod Items Actually Gravel...
  11. M

    Why am I lagging on Direwolf20's Pack?

    oh oh oh um why does forge crash when I play mindcrack? I know you might need a log or something but can it be configured?
  12. M

    Why am I lagging on Direwolf20's Pack?

    there is no xycraft :(