Recent content by Lemonfreezers

  1. L

    [1.7.10] Bleeding World ModPack [Curse][FTB]-Hardcore Pack

    Has anyone made a server yet? i would love to try and team up and survive.
  2. L

    Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

    Speaking of BnB2 have it ever came out yet or is it still in development?
  3. L

    Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

    that was in the BnB 1. but if you used stone bricks they couldnt break it.
  4. L

    Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

    only all too true XD so for a first base should i have it underground or should i build an epic castle above ground??? im talking about after building a small starter dirt hut that all real minecrafters build.
  5. L

    Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

    That. That right there is a true caring Dad. My hat off to you good sir and a full round of applause. Your child comes first even when they are no longer considered a child.
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    Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

    I agree with the no sanity. Sanity is the biggest issues i had with alot of packs in 1.6.4. i also hope that Eyamaz found a way to defeat the floating/ build 50 blocks off the ground bases issues. it made life too easy.
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    Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

    Hey Eyamaz try taking melatonin. its the natural chemical that your body puts out when you are getting tired and your penal gland (middle of the brain gland) will excrete when your body's circadian rhythm gets to the point of what should be sleeping. 10 milgm knocks me out after about 45 mins to...
  8. L

    Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

    Pakratt is going to die many times tomorrow!!! that is if Eyamaz gets his butt in high gear tonight! (i mean this in a positive, encouraging way btw)
  9. L

    Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

    You sir are a gentleman and philanthropist. My hat off to you.
  10. L

    Whitelist Server Infinity Casual Server | Youtube Recording| Teamspeak| PVE

    Hey where is the IP address? or am i blind??? or can you message me on here with it? Okay i am blind XD
  11. L

    Whitelist Server Infinity Casual Server | Youtube Recording| Teamspeak| PVE

    MC name: DrJangles Age: 20 (21 in a month) What is your modded MC experience: been playing since slowpoke make the first Feed the beast map What makes you want to join us: Im looking for a server that is small but is active Why should I pick you and not some hobo off the street: How could you...
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    Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

    I think we just created a whole new level for the zombie awareness mod
  13. L

    Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

    Sure you did XD
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    Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

    Take as much time as you need! It is well worth it to wait for a better pack and to see how Pakratt starts out ( and die and die and die).
  15. L

    Blood N Bones [Hardcore Survival]

    so i am hungry for a teaser or spoiler or sneak peak of something in the BnB 2.0 pack :D pls?