Recent content by DylanP

  1. D

    Researching Youtube for Trends

    First off, Moderators, go ahead and move this thread where needed. I decided here as the youtubers page is in a dark corner. Do you make youtube videos in the hopes you will start getting loads of hits ? Many if not all the trolls will say that you have to be funny, have a topic to run on and...
  2. D

    Xycraft/Soaryn Thoughts

    I like them, my mobs hate them too, but I care little about their needs. They make really fancy mob grinders too.
  3. D

    Guide - How to run FTB via MultiMC(while launcher isn't working)

    when I pick the dw20 modpack folder in the ftb_launcher/modpacks folder I get a blank folder, from the import from ftb launcher menu item in multimc. There is no selection to make and if we use the dw20 folder nothing happens. Same as Gunner Smith, but I see his question wasn't understood.
  4. D

    Detected Leaking Worlds in Memory Error

    Seems to me that, that link wouldn't work on a rented server. And we did get here from Google search, but clairvoyance really isn't one of your skills, is it. So everytime I see a Troll help with condescension I think to myself, f-off i'll find it myself goof. The answer I found is this
  5. D

    Windows .jar [ULTIMATE] "Memory connection overburdened"

    I can confirm removing secret rooms fixed other peoples errors on my server. Error didn't effect me, but fixed our server issue. Thing is when we load the map it seams secret rooms, makes a secret room to find ? and every time we load the map we can see the error. This might be good as it does...
  6. D


    Hmm I gues the easy answer is to find the perfect vanilla seed add my buildings in close proximity to spawn and then the map can gen new chunks accordingly. Is that how it would work ?
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    I want to use schematic files from planetminecraft to add buildings to some maps for MinecraftEdu students. It is getting forge added in its next version. So I wanted to get started with some new maps.
  8. D

    will world edit or mcedit work on FTB

    Has anyone got this to work ?
  9. D


    I am a little older and probably more newbsih then you care to help. But I would like to add structures to my map for a class lesson. Can anyone help me ? I am using Diremod