Whitelist Server Whitelist ★ Small Community ★ Infinity 1.7.10 ★ NO Banned Items ★ Mindcrack like ★ AM2 And Adv. G

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello, I am Ross, an owner of a small but powerful FTB Infinity server looking for new players
I always wanted to be part of a perfect community, one that doesn't have immature kids or griefers.
This is a test to check that people actually read this, please put your favourite block as Grout below.
Unfortunately, I have never found a server that achieves that, So I decided to have a go at patrolling my own.

The server is 3GB but can be upgraded if needed.
We are looking for no more then 30 members :)

We respect people's need and will greatly consider any mod suggestions, adding to that,
our server also requires:

to run.

As in any server, hacking will not be tolerated.

The server does NOT have any plugins as voted by the majority of players.

We want the server to be community driven, so please feel free to add your own creations, shops etc to spawn.

We also want the server to be as friendly as possible so please:
  • Don't be annoying!
I cant stress that enough, if you are a person who likes to show off how much better they are and are racist on top we will ban.

If you are interested, please complete the form below and we will reply VIA A PM with an IP / Denial
[Age: Because we want to create a mature community, we are looking for people older than around 14, however if you can convince us that you are mature enough then that is fine]

(We wont accept everyone so make the application as best as possible)

Why do you want to join?
How often will you log on?
Skype (Feel free to PM instead if you wish to):
Favourite Block:
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Barclay Jeffreys

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Barclay Jeffreys
IGN: maximgould
Age:14 (I'm more mature than my age may seem)
Why do you want to join? I have been playing single player since the general release of the pack but since lost the world, since then i have been looking for a good ftb infinity server and came across this one :)
How often will you log on? daily
Skype (Feel free to PM instead if you wish to): barclay.jeffreys
Favourite Block: sponge
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Michael
IGN: Undead_Slider
Age: 18
Why do you want to join? I've played single player for too long, looking for a nice friendly server to enjoy modded with other people
How often do you log on? Daily, mostly afternoon and nights
Skype: mslider97
Favourite Block: Sponge

Speed IMG

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Johnny
IGN: TehKnight117
Age: 16
Why do you want to join? I've been looking for a server where it is a huge community with most people online.
How often will you log on? I will occasionally log in here and there.
Skype (Feel free to PM instead if you wish to): shamil1187
Favourite Block: Sponge


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Why do you want to join? since the whole idea of ftb came out i have been looking for a server to join where i can enjoyably play with mods with others ... not get items stole every second . generally looking for a small white-listed serer where i can get to know people on the server
How often will you log on? daily :)
Skype (Feel free to PM instead if you wish to): i will pm if accepted ... dont want to put skype down on here ...
Favourite Block: Sponge


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Fabian
IGN: raeckers
Age: 23
Why do you want to join? I'd like to play on a community based server
How often will you log on? every second day
Skype : i'll send a PM
Favourite Block: Sponge


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Mike
IGN: AdamisGay
Age: 15
Why do you want to join? Because I really want to be apart of a modded minecraft community
How often will you log on? probably 4-7 days a week
Skype (Feel free to PM instead if you wish to): mikemoggre
Favourite Block: Sponge


Active Member
Feb 19, 2013
Name: Jacob
IGN: Cpfuzzy
Age: 17
Why do you want to join? I need a server to play, on I'm sick of playing Single Player alone. I want to meet new people that enjoy FTB with me and could teach me some stuff. I normally play on Direwolf20 but want to check out this Modpack instead this time.
How often will you log on? Everyday for 2+ hours a day.
Skype (Feel free to PM instead if you wish to): Will PM you.
Favourite Block: Sponge


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Jordan
IGN: Feelzy
Age: 16
Why do you want to join? I'm looking to play with some people as I hate playing alone. (I have the ability to host for my friends, but none of them want to play)
How often will you log on? Whenever I can, (this means a lot)!
Skype (Feel free to PM instead if you wish to): Will PM if accepted
Favourite Block: ME Chest

dustin heisey

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Dustin Heisey
IGN: Pibx10
Age: 18
Why do you want to join? I want a good server full of collaboration and free of lag
How often will you log on? if lag is not an issue as often as possible
Skype (Feel free to PM instead if you wish to): pibx10
Favourite Block: marble


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Brandon C
IGN: Goofyschooler
Age: 17
Why do you want to join?
To create and explore the world of infinity, to be on a server where I can play with a small community and have a good time while helping out others and being an addition not a hindrance to the community.
How often will you log on? 4-6 hours a day, except during finals and weekends when i'm away camping.
Skype (Feel free to PM instead if you wish to): I'll pm you.
Favorite Block: Me Chest. Amazing
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Tiger Smith
Age: 19
Why do you want to join? Im looking for a fun server to build freely to my desire and bring my friends along.
How often will you log on? maybe all my day but surely most of my day if the server is to my liking.
Skype (Feel free to PM instead if you wish to): tigersmith12
Favourite Block: dark oak/acacia


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Garrett G
IGN: xEnzo
Age: 15
Why do you want to join? I'm looking for a nice/small community to enjoy to the Infinity mod pack. Also, to play with and meet some new people.
How often will you log on? 3-6 hours a day
Skype (Feel free to PM instead if you wish to): Enzothegreat007
Favourite Block: Dark oak logs/planks and Stone Brick


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Dimi
IGN: Zuzu
Age: 16
Why do you want to join?: I want a server to play on that I can trust that my build won't be destroyed, also just a fresh start, and to meet new people.
How often will you log on?: Everyday from about 4:00 to 9:00 EST
Skype (Feel free to PM instead if you wish to): DrShark12
Favourite Block: Deep Storage Unit.

Hope to see you soon :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Brandon C Accepted

We are currently not looking for any more players, but please keep in touch as that will probably change.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Name: Al
IGN: Ezera13
Age: 18
Why do you want to join? : Looking for a small community to enjoy the Infinity mod pack with in the long run. That and single player gets boring after a while....
How often will you log on? Quite often, considering most of my downtime is spent on league of legends or FTB.
Skype (Feel free to PM instead if you wish to): Would rather pm.
Favourite Block: sponge