What is the best FTB modpack for me?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think you need to give us more details about your play style before we can advise you. If you want to start learning mods I would reccomend FTB Lite as it just has the basic "gateway" mods. Alternately you could use the DW20pack so you'd be entertained for longer. I'd recommend you follow his let's play as well.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just a question on computer toughness of various mods:

ThaumCraft apparently adds Flux and Vis and Aura and all that stuff, which apparently is area-dependant. What implication does this have for a player who couldn't care less about ThaumCraft and never plays it anyway? It almost sounds like three extra set of calculations à la light levels for every single block in the world. Extra work for the PC with no rewards. Nodes also sound like "fun".

I've heard XYCraft is a power drain too. In what way? Is it the machines, the world gen, the ores or what?

Help would be appreciated.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just a question on computer toughness of various mods:

ThaumCraft apparently adds Flux and Vis and Aura and all that stuff, which apparently is area-dependant. What implication does this have for a player who couldn't care less about ThaumCraft and never plays it anyway? It almost sounds like three extra set of calculations à la light levels for every single block in the world. Extra work for the PC with no rewards. Nodes also sound like "fun".

I've heard XYCraft is a power drain too. In what way? Is it the machines, the world gen, the ores or what?

Help would be appreciated.
Both of those are old information any of the current packs do not have XYcraft as there is no 1.6.4 version and the Thaumcraft aura system has been completely re-written in TC4 vs the TC3 version which did have a few resource usage issues.
But to answer if you are planning to run an earlier modpack the XYcraft worldgen tended to be a bit of a load on the system due to the quartz crystals I believe it was being a shade too pretty for the sheer amount of them, TC3 the aura system did require a very large amount of calculations for no benefit if you were not using TC which was a bit of a strain for the system which was part of the reason why Azanor rewrote the whole thing. TC4 I beleive is very light on system resources for it's worldgen (nodes\ores) but the trees in the magical forest biome can cause some issues due to the large amount of decay calculations when you first enter the area but this is true of any heavily treed biome.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just a question on computer toughness of various mods:

ThaumCraft apparently adds Flux and Vis and Aura and all that stuff, which apparently is area-dependant. What implication does this have for a player who couldn't care less about ThaumCraft and never plays it anyway? It almost sounds like three extra set of calculations à la light levels for every single block in the world. Extra work for the PC with no rewards. Nodes also sound like "fun".

I've heard XYCraft is a power drain too. In what way? Is it the machines, the world gen, the ores or what?

Help would be appreciated.

For Thaumcraft, if you're talking about a single-player world and you have absolutely no intention on ever using it, I'd say just remove the mod. Personally, I love it. BUT, there are a few things that will be difficult to deal with if you don't use Thaumcraft research, primarily taint. Without any input from you, taint will spread, and some nodes will cause the area around them to become tainted. There's really no way to deal with this without actually usng Thaumcraft.

As to xycraft, I had no trouble in 1.4.7 modpacks, but I've not tried it in 1.6.x.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just a question on computer toughness of various mods:

ThaumCraft apparently adds Flux and Vis and Aura and all that stuff, which apparently is area-dependant. What implication does this have for a player who couldn't care less about ThaumCraft and never plays it anyway? It almost sounds like three extra set of calculations à la light levels for every single block in the world. Extra work for the PC with no rewards. Nodes also sound like "fun".

I've heard XYCraft is a power drain too. In what way? Is it the machines, the world gen, the ores or what?

Help would be appreciated.

Don't concern yourself with Xycraft as it's not in any of the !.6 packs as it hasn't updated yet. Thaumcraft 4 is fairly light on computers although annoying in worlds. But if you are starting mods for the first time Thaumcraft is one of the best places to start. Try it concurrently with Thermal Expansion and MineFactory Reloaded. That'll be the best introduction for you IMO. I'd also recommend playing with a friend as it makes the game go a lot smoother and you'll enjoy it more with company (also you can split the workload ;)). Also check out Direwolf20, his pack is probably the best for beginners as it's much tighter than Monster and his channel houses great tutorials. Forgive his lack of aesthetics.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Don't concern yourself with Xycraft as it's not in any of the !.6 packs as it hasn't updated yet. Thaumcraft 4 is fairly light on computers although annoying in worlds. But if you are starting mods for the first time Thaumcraft is one of the best places to start. Try it concurrently with Thermal Expansion and MineFactory Reloaded. That'll be the best introduction for you IMO. I'd also recommend playing with a friend as it makes the game go a lot smoother and you'll enjoy it more with company (also you can split the workload ;)). Also check out Direwolf20, his pack is probably the best for beginners as it's much tighter than Monster and his channel houses great tutorials. Forgive his lack of aesthetics.

Lack of aesthetics? What's wrong with a 29x29 cobble house that has 4 rooms and an unfinished basement? ;)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It breaks renderring and causes a plethora of issues

imo, let it break. while it runs, it runs well for me. on that same note, my car is a 1980's mazda rx7, notoriously unreliable, and also notoriously fast. see a pattern? :p

different strokes:different folks


Too Much Free Time
Nov 11, 2013
I never build anything lasting out of cobblestone(that I have to look at anyway), as long as its not realistic that it could be made out of actual cobblestones. So for roads, small walls etc. its fine. Taller walls and ceilings... nah wont work :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Both of those are old information any of the current packs do not have XYcraft as there is no 1.6.4 version and the Thaumcraft aura system has been completely re-written in TC4 vs the TC3 version which did have a few resource usage issues.
But to answer if you are planning to run an earlier modpack the XYcraft worldgen tended to be a bit of a load on the system due to the quartz crystals I believe it was being a shade too pretty for the sheer amount of them, TC3 the aura system did require a very large amount of calculations for no benefit if you were not using TC which was a bit of a strain for the system which was part of the reason why Azanor rewrote the whole thing. TC4 I beleive is very light on system resources for it's worldgen (nodes\ores) but the trees in the magical forest biome can cause some issues due to the large amount of decay calculations when you first enter the area but this is true of any heavily treed biome.

For Thaumcraft, if you're talking about a single-player world and you have absolutely no intention on ever using it, I'd say just remove the mod. Personally, I love it. BUT, there are a few things that will be difficult to deal with if you don't use Thaumcraft research, primarily taint. Without any input from you, taint will spread, and some nodes will cause the area around them to become tainted. There's really no way to deal with this without actually usng Thaumcraft.

As to xycraft, I had no trouble in 1.4.7 modpacks, but I've not tried it in 1.6.x.

Thanks for the replies, both of you! I should have specified, I'm still playing Ultimate (running on 1.4.7, I'm sure you know it). Will an already-existing world be badly affected if I delete ThaumCraft? It honestly sounds more like a hassle than it's worth, especially if I'm not playing the mod.

As for XYcraft, I guess my quest to carve out the land around my base using Quarries, Mining Turtles and the like will eventually remove those pesky Quartz Crystals from the immediate area around my base. In theory, that should remedy the lag a bit.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't play Thaumcraft. I started a new world using DW20 pack and found 3 tainted areas surrounding spawn. And they kept spreading. I used to just leave it in the older packs because i used the wand of equal trade in creative builds. With the return of taint that spreads and screws things up, I just remove it now. I also don't know how to write code, so I drop computercraft and open peripherals. I also remove Ars Magica as I am not interested in magic mods, but I want more stuff than the tech mod pack offers. I have found it easier to go with the larger packs and slim them down yourself, than to go with a small pack and add things. Go take a look at the mod list of each pack. Find the one with the most mods you like and just disable the rest. Really easy to do in the launcher.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thanks for the replies, both of you! I should have specified, I'm still playing Ultimate (running on 1.4.7, I'm sure you know it). Will an already-existing world be badly affected if I delete ThaumCraft? It honestly sounds more like a hassle than it's worth, especially if I'm not playing the mod.

As for XYcraft, I guess my quest to carve out the land around my base using Quarries, Mining Turtles and the like will eventually remove those pesky Quartz Crystals from the immediate area around my base. In theory, that should remedy the lag a bit.

Removing Thaumcraft will leave some holes in the world (ores mostly) fairly large ones in the case of barrows (though I'm not sure if they will disappear completely after being generated) and it may cause issues with generated chest loot I have heard of world ending crashes from chest loot that no longer exists but still does but very rarely. Though if you are not using Thaumcraft it's load should be minimal as the aura regen\transfer calculations were the issue I believe and if you aren't using it it won't do any of that.

Truthfully a lot of the lag is more likely to be due to 1.4.7 itself it was a lot laggier than 1.6\1.5, if possible I would suggest archiving that world and starting over in a fresh one under 1.6. Check out some of the recent 1.6 packs there is no direct replacement of Ultimate but one of the new packs should be interesting to you. I know my 1.4.7 world became almost unplayable due to lag after I'd built quite a lot and there was no real remedy other than upgrading.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thanks for the replies, both of you! I should have specified, I'm still playing Ultimate (running on 1.4.7, I'm sure you know it). Will an already-existing world be badly affected if I delete ThaumCraft? It honestly sounds more like a hassle than it's worth, especially if I'm not playing the mod.

As for XYcraft, I guess my quest to carve out the land around my base using Quarries, Mining Turtles and the like will eventually remove those pesky Quartz Crystals from the immediate area around my base. In theory, that should remedy the lag a bit.

Well, if you're using 1.4.7 you can ignore what I said about taint. The whole"tainted land" thing is 1.6. In the 1.4.7 version of thaumcraft, taint doesn't spread unless you actively use the mod. The wisp spawners under obsidian altars can still be annoying, though. As WTFFFS said, the calculations are minimal if you're not using vis.