I'm sure some of you, like me, quite often watch Minecraft streams on Twitch. and for those people I thought it'd be nice to make a topic for some discussion about twitch. like who do you often watch on twitch? or what kind of multistream website do you use? have you subscribed to someone or have you bought turbo? are you more of a lurker or are you an active chatter?
I always watch minecraft streams while playing Minecraft aswell. people I often like watching are ZeekDaGeek, Slowpoke101, Jadedcat, Morvelaira, EddieRuckus, Myrathi, StrayMav, Wyldstein, Bacon_Donut, CyanideEpic, Sevadus and probably a few more that I can't remember on the top of my head.
I used to use Sevadus's multistream website, but I kind of disliked of constantly having the chat show up, so right now I'm using Multitwitch. but I'm more looking for a multistream website where you can actually configure yourself where you want the video to be, how big the video is and if chat is shown or not, because like I said, I often play Minecraft myself while watching stream, so having one giant video screen that's unmovable like Twitch has isn't really useful for me.
and because I play Minecraft myself while watching, I'm often a lurker. sometimes I may chat, like answering a question asked by the streamer, but with Multitwitch if you have the chat hidden, it's quite difficult to load it back up and answer in time.
I never subcribed to someone or bought turbo, simply because I don't really have the money for it at the moment. instead I often leave streams running even when I'm not there, and keep adblocker off on both Twitch and Multitwitch, so they can atleast earn a bit of money with advertisements.
I always watch minecraft streams while playing Minecraft aswell. people I often like watching are ZeekDaGeek, Slowpoke101, Jadedcat, Morvelaira, EddieRuckus, Myrathi, StrayMav, Wyldstein, Bacon_Donut, CyanideEpic, Sevadus and probably a few more that I can't remember on the top of my head.
I used to use Sevadus's multistream website, but I kind of disliked of constantly having the chat show up, so right now I'm using Multitwitch. but I'm more looking for a multistream website where you can actually configure yourself where you want the video to be, how big the video is and if chat is shown or not, because like I said, I often play Minecraft myself while watching stream, so having one giant video screen that's unmovable like Twitch has isn't really useful for me.
and because I play Minecraft myself while watching, I'm often a lurker. sometimes I may chat, like answering a question asked by the streamer, but with Multitwitch if you have the chat hidden, it's quite difficult to load it back up and answer in time.
I never subcribed to someone or bought turbo, simply because I don't really have the money for it at the moment. instead I often leave streams running even when I'm not there, and keep adblocker off on both Twitch and Multitwitch, so they can atleast earn a bit of money with advertisements.