Twitch discussion

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm sure some of you, like me, quite often watch Minecraft streams on Twitch. and for those people I thought it'd be nice to make a topic for some discussion about twitch. like who do you often watch on twitch? or what kind of multistream website do you use? have you subscribed to someone or have you bought turbo? are you more of a lurker or are you an active chatter?

I always watch minecraft streams while playing Minecraft aswell. people I often like watching are ZeekDaGeek, Slowpoke101, Jadedcat, Morvelaira, EddieRuckus, Myrathi, StrayMav, Wyldstein, Bacon_Donut, CyanideEpic, Sevadus and probably a few more that I can't remember on the top of my head.

I used to use Sevadus's multistream website, but I kind of disliked of constantly having the chat show up, so right now I'm using Multitwitch. but I'm more looking for a multistream website where you can actually configure yourself where you want the video to be, how big the video is and if chat is shown or not, because like I said, I often play Minecraft myself while watching stream, so having one giant video screen that's unmovable like Twitch has isn't really useful for me.

and because I play Minecraft myself while watching, I'm often a lurker. sometimes I may chat, like answering a question asked by the streamer, but with Multitwitch if you have the chat hidden, it's quite difficult to load it back up and answer in time.

I never subcribed to someone or bought turbo, simply because I don't really have the money for it at the moment. instead I often leave streams running even when I'm not there, and keep adblocker off on both Twitch and Multitwitch, so they can atleast earn a bit of money with advertisements.

Tristam Izumi

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've definitely been following the Build Guild crew, and try to sub to a few people when I can. Currently just Wyldstein and Wolv21 at the moment though. Beyond that, I have most of the FTB team, quite a few mod makers, and a number of the lesser known Minecraft streamers followed. I obviously can't keep up with everyone, but it's fun to pop in every once in a while to watch a streamer I haven't seen in a while.

Like you, I'm often playing Minecraft or some other game while I'm watching a stream, but thankfully I have a second monitor, so I can get away with gaming and watching a stream at the same time; I do enjoy participating in whichever channel's chat I'm in. I'm not big on multi-stream, though I did do it more often when Build Guild was just starting and there'd be 10 of them on there having antics; usually I just main-watch one stream and have one or two others in the background muted so they get ad revenue.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've definitely been following the Build Guild crew, and try to sub to a few people when I can. Currently just Wyldstein and Wolv21 at the moment though. Beyond that, I have most of the FTB team, quite a few mod makers, and a number of the lesser known Minecraft streamers followed. I obviously can't keep up with everyone, but it's fun to pop in every once in a while to watch a streamer I haven't seen in a while.

Like you, I'm often playing Minecraft or some other game while I'm watching a stream, but thankfully I have a second monitor, so I can get away with gaming and watching a stream at the same time; I do enjoy participating in whichever channel's chat I'm in. I'm not big on multi-stream, though I did do it more often when Build Guild was just starting and there'd be 10 of them on there having antics; usually I just main-watch one stream and have one or two others in the background muted so they get ad revenue.

I still use multitwitch even when I'm just watching one channel, as I don't have any room for a second monitor and you can't move or resize the video to how you want it...
though I've been getting problems lately with multitwitch, mostly with the adds freezing and thus stopping the stream. I constantly have to refresh the video which is quite annoying :mad:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm sure some of you, like me, quite often watch Minecraft streams on Twitch. and for those people I thought it'd be nice to make a topic for some discussion about twitch. like who do you often watch on twitch? or what kind of multistream website do you use? have you subscribed to someone or have you bought turbo? are you more of a lurker or are you an active chatter?
I enjoy watching a lot of people, but mainly Wyld. When it comes to Minecraft I often watch Flutterer, Slow, Jaded, Morv, Myrathi, Eddie, Quetzi, Zeek, and Wolv. And I watch a speedrunner who is also an old friend, Dudeilikecake.

I dont use Multistream, because my computer can barely handle a single stream. I haven't subbed to anyone or bought turbo, and I'm an active chatter usually. Some channels I don't chat in much, like Myrathi and Morv.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I enjoy watching a lot of people, but mainly Wyld. When it comes to Minecraft I often watch Flutterer, Slow, Jaded, Morv, Myrathi, Eddie, Quetzi, Zeek, and Wolv. And I watch a speedrunner who is also an old friend, Dudeilikecake.

I dont use Multistream, because my computer can barely handle a single stream. I haven't subbed to anyone or bought turbo, and I'm an active chatter usually. Some channels I don't chat in much, like Myrathi and Morv.

I do follow some channels, to find out when those people are streaming. the other streamers I watch when those few who I follow are not streaming.
and if none of the people I usually watch are streaming I usually go watch some youtube videos.

I just came across this website that actually does what I'm looking for, allowing the viewer to move and resize the streams
I also found this program that allows you to watch twitch streams from your computer
might try the program out if really can't find an alternative...


Tech Support
Oct 30, 2012
Generally only watch lanceypooh but on occasion I'll watch CynicalC, Slowpoke, and Jaded.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I must say, after using for a few days now, it's awesome.
you can move around and resize any twitch stream you're watching, you can show/hide the chat easily and you can even bookmark all the twitch channels you're watching into a bookmark list and see if any of them are streaming or not. if they are streaming, just click on their names and the twitch stream will automatically open up.

it also saves your bookmark list so you don't have to keep making it over and over, though it does not save background color preference or locations of the bookmark listings.
you can open 1 stream, or 2, or 3, or 4... as many as you want, even with just 1 stream it's already very nice to use.

I just wish that there was a bit of compatibility between twitch and allpick, so for example the people you're following would automatically appear on the bookmark list, but it's not a problem at all, already loving it as it is right now


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For me: Flutterer, Wyldstein, Slowpoke101, Jadedcat, Kleetho and occasionally Lanceypooh.

And if I could, I would watch myself all the time Kappa. (but seriously)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
its glorious! so many good christmas presents :) also with the news that justin beiber just announced he is retiring officially. And I got the Elder Scrolls Anthology (you can tell im just a kid in a candy shop arent i?)

HOLY MOTHER OF F-BOMBS, best christmas present ever!!
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