The Zombie Survival Story I Should Have Posted 20 Days Ago


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Does anybody remember this? You know, the one with the ships and stuff?
I was rewriting the 2nd chapter, which sucked (could have been better - Choc gets a little bit more of time to talk) and the 1st chapter, which I lost 20 days ago, was going to rewrote, but I was 2 weeks in another country. So it's finally here.

You see, being in a flight to LA with two lesbians sitting by my side that I knew from an internet forum shouldn't be too problematic.
But it was.
I wasn't really able to sleep then, thinking that the zombie apocalypse had started, which was a common thought for me during flights. I trusted my friends and my girlfriend's ability to protect our families, but I still wasn't relaxed. Morgs/Liara was sitting at to my left, watching Fringe. She was preety damn focused on the series to say anything. To her left was Ex, who was reading a book whose name was "Resonance Cascades and What Are Their Effects". Considering the fact that she liked Half-Life, it wasn't really surprising.
Of all the things I hate about flights, the fact you spend a fuckton of time, sitting in a small chair that wasn't really comfortable unless you payed an arm and a leg, with bad food, was the worst of all. My politic with airplane lunches is "you're not getting any better than this in here, so shut up and eat." At least it was effective.
"Raisins?" said Liara.
"Uh, no, thanks. I don't like them."
"Well, more for me." And she put two in her mouth, swallowing it shortly after.
The airplane pilot announced that we were approaching LA. Sitting in the middle of the airplane didn't really gave us a chance to look at the city from above, but the flight was essentially full. A small baby was crying and it made the whole landing an awful experience to my ears.
We landed and I discovered I should stop thinking about "What's the worst thing that could happen?" during travels.
In short, we were at LA with an airport full of zombies. Not exactly zombies, but rather infected people... You get it.
Me, Morgs and Ex were looking at the lobby. I was with my backpack that I took for the travel and my bass, but holy shit there were zombies everywhere. My jaw dropped.
"What are we going to do?" asked Morgs, quite scared.
Shortly after she said that, Ex took a katana out of her backpack (God knows how) and then managed to single handledy slaughter every zombie.
"Did you know she could do this, Liara?"
"Nope. That's news for everyone. Including the zombies."
"Wait, there's a fire axe there! You need a weapon."
"Yeah, can we get to it?
"Ex is probably going to slaughter them. We don't need to worry. And I have my bass to use as a weapon."
We were reaching the axe, but a zombie grabbed Liara by the shoulder. I bashed his head in with a swing, throwing him on the floor.
After Ex finished her rampage, she calmly asked:
"Where are we going?"
"Well, there's a window there, maybe we can go there and get out of here." I pointed to a store that was closed.
"Well, aren't the alarms going to go off?" Ex said.
"Sorry to be Genre Savvy, but aren't almost ALL zombies attracted to noise?" Liara commented.
"Wait, is there any other way?"
"Well that way it is. Even if we have to fight for it."
As soon as we started opening the door, the alarm went off.
"FUCK!" I screamed.
Ex started taking her katana out of her backpack, and Liara grabbed her by the backpack.
"Oh no, you're not leaving. We need you here. They are focused at us, not distracted. So hold on. We can't lose you. We need you."
And I swear she whispered under her breath "I need you, I don't want you to go."
The zombies started running towards us, and Ex chopped plenty of heads. Liara started using her axe, and managed to do quite some damage. One or two zombies came toward me, who was lifting the door (it was a garage-like door), but I quickly shoved them away. A pair of zombies grabbed Liara by the arms, and I knocked them back. Liara got rid of one, hitting the axe right in his brains, and Ex hit the other one.
Suddenly, I hear someone breaking the glasses of the store.
"HOLD ON!" I screamed.
"No problem, G."
I finished lifting the door, but a bunch of zombies grabbed my arms. Shortly after that, a girl who looked kinda manga-ish bashed their brains in with a hammer. The alarms stopped, and Ex and Liara finished the slaughter.
"Wait, who are you?"
"You mean Choc from the FTB forums?"
"Name's GPuz. The one with the axe is Liara and the other one is Ex."
"Great, the only people alive in this hellhole are people I know. I wasn't being sarcastic, by the way."
"Right. How did you get here?" Asked Liara.
"FedEx van I stole."
"Well, let's get the hell out of here."
Shortly after, we were on our way out of there.
"Raisins?" Liara asked.

So, yeah, what did you guys thought?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
RAISINS. My only problem is the Morgs/Liara thing. Pick one or the other, please! (hint: Liara ;) )


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Uh, to anyone wondering, until chapter 3, only me, Jess, Ex, Liara, Choc and Moped show up.
Nobody else.
Actually, chapter 4 may feature nobody showing up.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Uh, to anyone wondering, until chapter 3, only me, Jess, Ex, Liara, Choc and Moped show up.
Nobody else.
Actually, chapter 4 may feature nobody showing up.
Well, I think I'm starting to see a pattern here, so in fitting with that TBL should probably be a blue haired chick who can summon slime out of thin air rather than an actual blue slime. Think Natsuru from Kampfer, only with jelly instead of magic.

In fact, there's probably porn of that somewhere....

In any case, just remember, this is an order, not a jovial request. Failure to adhere will not be tolerated.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, I think I'm starting to see a pattern here, so in fitting with that TBL should probably be a blue haired chick who can summon slime out of thin air rather than an actual blue slime. Think Natsuru from Kampfer, only with jelly instead of magic.

In fact, there's probably porn of that somewhere....

In any case, just remember, this is an order, not a jovial request. Failure to adhere will not be tolerated.

There's porn of anything somewhere. That's the thirty fourth rule of the internet.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
wow, how did I not see this earlier? Nice one Gpuz.

Also, I like katanas. Katanas are awesome.