So, I made a Wand of Lightning, lv 30 enchant and got Charging I.
Made a second one 30 levels later, Potency II - Frugal III (now we're talking)
Question up for discussion is, should I:
A) spend 31 levels to combine the two wands into Potency II - Charging I (can only hold 2 enchants), or
B) make a third one once its near breaking and spend 30 levels on another random enchant?
Frugal III seems to make the wand quite durable, and I am sporting the Thaumcraft gear (all with Repair II
) short of the boots cause Traveler's are just so good, so I think this current wand will last a while. And yes, I know there's better stuff to use as weapons right now in the mod pack (say, for instance, my power IV - flame I - infinity I bow), but the thought of going "UNLIMITED POWAH!!!!" and zapping zombies, creepers, spiders, skeles, and endermen alike is just too much fun!
Made a second one 30 levels later, Potency II - Frugal III (now we're talking)
Question up for discussion is, should I:
A) spend 31 levels to combine the two wands into Potency II - Charging I (can only hold 2 enchants), or
B) make a third one once its near breaking and spend 30 levels on another random enchant?
Frugal III seems to make the wand quite durable, and I am sporting the Thaumcraft gear (all with Repair II