Server Name:
ThatDorkyGuy Presents...FTB Unleashed + Gregtech
IP - Port:
Game Mode:
Survival - Hard
Whitelisting Status:
Voice Server IP:
Coming Soon
IRC Channel:
Coming Soon
Optional Mods:
-Gregtech has been added
Server Rules:
1)Request Access for Whitelist via this thread
2)No Hacking/Griefing/Racism/Harassment/Excessive Cursing/Spamming
3)Do not enter another player's house unless given permission
4)Do not abuse Portal Guns
5)Do not summon mobs in Spawn
6)No quarries in Twilight, Nether, End or other worlds except Overworld
7)Only 1 quarry per player at one time, once your quarry is finished, please fill in quarry and place sign indicating to not dig down
8)Have fun and play fair, we are a small tight community
(This section will be updated as needed)
Server Summary:
This is a BRAND NEW SERVER - Just started April 5, 2014. We are a small tight community, currently gaining new players. The server is professionally hosted and is available 24/7. Active Admins, but not the need to babysit. The owner: ThatDorkyGuy, has extensive experience running Minecraft servers in the past. Has ran them for several years from: Tekkit, Mindcrack, FTB Ultimate and FTB Unleashed. We are NOOB FRIENDLY and prefer players who want to explore, adventure and learn all the mods. We are NOT looking for PRO Minecraft players who know every single thing and act rude to other players. We are a helpful and passionate community about enjoying the time we have to play. If interested, fill out the application below! Thank you and we look forward to seeing you on the server!
Banned Items:
-World Anchors
(This section will be updated as needed)
Whitelist Application Format:
In-Game Name:
How old are you?
Where are you from (City, State or Country)?
What are you looking for in this server?
How long have you been playing Minecraft?
What experience do you have with Modded MC?
Have you ever been banned from a Minecraft server?
How active are you?
Do you agree to the rules (if so, how many rules are listed above)?
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