Whitelist Server Tartarus | SMP Agrarian Sky | Mature 18+ | Party Mode | Dedicated Server | TeamSpeak

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Applications are now OPEN!!!

Agrarian Sky SMP Map:

Fresh Map will be launched on 12th April. You must have TS, be active, and be over 18.
Leave a comment or send me a PM if you're interested.

Custom 1.6.4 Pack: (Applications for this pack are closed)

Sub-Reddit HQ:

Tartarus is a year-old dedicated server (16GB) that launched on 4th April 2013. We are currently a small community of seasoned
players with a variety of playing styles, but with the sole objective of challenging ourselves to becoming better and better.
And whilst we're trying to make ourselves, ahem, legends, we want to ensure we're having fun....so we've outlined some of
our rules that you will need to abide by if you want to become part of our community. Please check them here:


If you're still interested, and why not, then make an application here (using the template below) and then join us on teamspeak for a quick chat. We will then message you of our decision, and hopefully look forward to creating history together ;)

Application template:

IGN Name:
Previous bans if any (be honest):
Experience with FTB and screenshots of previous builds (if any):
What was the worst thing you ever created in FTB:

Btw: TS is required and you be must be over 18!!!
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN Name: Odin_69
Age: 26
Location: Enid, OK (USA)
Previous bans if any (be honest): None
Experience with FTB and screenshots of previous builds (if any): Will attach a few.
What was the worst thing you ever created in FTB: Created a revolving lighthouse with a minecart as a piston trigger. ultimately failed due to lag, but concept itself was strong.

Edit: Screenshot uploads do not seem to be uploading right now.

Already Posted this on the Mindcrack section but i thought i would throw it in here as well.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN Name: perseveresc
Age: 19
Location: Belgium
Previous bans if any (be honest): None

Experience with FTB and screenshots of previous builds (if any):
I don't have any experience with FTB itself but I do have a lot with most of the mods that are in it. I have a lot of experience with buildcraft, industrialcraft, redpower, forestry and computercraft, which I absolutely adore. I don't have screenshots of any fancy builds, but I have made the usual lines of automated machines which pump out products on demand.
I do have builds that I am proud of but these are no longer around (server resets and such).

What was the worst thing you ever created in FTB:
I once managed to create a loop macerating and smelting all my bars again.

Note: I have Teamspeak and a mic etc, but I am unable to use it until my desktop is fixed (My laptop has no audio IN...). It should be up and running again in a couple of days (if I didn't ruin my motherboard with my old PSU).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN Name: mrbjorklund
Age: 30
Location: sweden
Previous bans if any (be honest): none to my knowledge
Experience with FTB and screenshots of previous builds (if any): lots of experience been playing since start, no pics saved of anything
What was the worst thing you ever created in FTB: redpower timer overload, basiclly trying to make a compact system for sorting and processing that just crashed the server as redstone signals hit more than it should... damn timers


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN Name: Kocyk
Age: 22
Location: Poland
Previous bans if any (be honest): Once, probably for using chunkloader that was banned day earlier (happened when i was offline).
Experience with FTB and screenshots of previous builds (if any): I've been playing FTB since first pack launched, played mods for a couple months earlier. I have no screenshots, i wish i could show you my elegant Factorization ore processing (using aprox. 50 routers).
What was the worst thing you ever created in FTB: Probably my autocrafting with crapton of tubes and filters connected to 0.2s RP timer (before XYCraft became useful). Or any of my buildings really, that's why i usually build underground.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Do it, it´s a awesome server with friendly and active people! I don´t have time to play that much but when I do there is always someone online and most of the time always someone on teamspeak aswell! And if your lucky there might be a musicquiz on TS that I can sweep the floor with you in ;)

Also the server itself has good connection and is stable.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

A friend of me, my brother and I are looking for a server to play on. We would like to start playing as the ultimate pack is updated to 1.5.1. I hope is ok if i post one application for 3 people...

IGN Name: StoneShifter; Qway; CrazyCraft3r
Age: 18
Location: Germany
Previous bans if any (be honest): no one of us was ever banned
Experience with FTB and screenshots of previous builds (if any): We are playing FTB since the release. So we are quite experienced.



What was the worst thing you ever created in FTB: Probably my first sorting system... It rather messed up everything....

edit: will be on ts this evening


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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN Name: Cannibilly
Age: 33
Location: Maine ,USA
Previous bans if any (be honest): None
Experience with FTB and screenshots of previous builds (if any): Been playing FBT from the start and tekkit before that No images to show off never thought of taking any. (Wish I had now)
What was the worst thing you ever created in FTB: My first Nuclear Reactor had no Idea what I was doing at the time... but on the side not it did make a nice hole that I made a floating base over.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Quick Update: We have decided to re-open the application process as we have moved to a high-end dedicated server that can accommodate a couple more players. The current map started 8 days ago, and is expected to be around until we can update the pack to 1.7 (which will be a good while). Currently, there are about 10 active players, and we want to be joined by experienced, mature players who enjoy a more challenging setting.

Please read the following for more details:



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN Name: Jus2Beast
Age: 19
Location: England
Previous bans if any (be honest): None
Experience with FTB and screenshots of previous builds (if any): No screenshots but Ive automated pretty much everything I needed.
What was the worst thing you ever created in FTB: A spawner which crashed server >.> turns out server lagged and didnt place the conduits I placed so yeah no power to grinder = problems


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN Name: Schurfable
Age: 26
Location: Norway
Previous bans if any (be honest): None at all
Experience with FTB and screenshots of previous builds (if any): I have played all the main modpacks since Ultimate, and tweaked a lot of the packs beyond recognition. Usually that means bad things can happen ;o My experimental single player world got more or less destroyed, so I'm hoping to play something more stable, with others!
What was the worst thing you ever created in FTB: Apart from my unplayable single player worlds, I guess I would say the first 'house' I ever made. A 4x4x4 cube made out of dirt and oak


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you still have any open slots I would like to join.
IGN Name:SummitSummit
Previous bans if any (be honest):None, don't play on public servers very often.
Experience with FTB and screenshots of previous builds (if any):I've been with FTB since SlowPoke's first publicly released map.
What was the worst thing you ever created in FTB: A machine which converted Forestry bronze into IC2 Bronze to exploit the difference in EMC values to create copious amounts of EMC for the old FTB Pyramid map. It was laggy as hell but made loads of Red Matter Furnaces in short order.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey people! One more little application for you if you don't mind :)
IGN Name: q009
Age: 19
Location: Poland
Previous bans if any (be honest): None
Experience with FTB and screenshots of previous builds (if any): I've been playing FTB for a full year now. Started with FTB Ultimate, focusing mainly on advanced automated contraptions.
I also thought it would be worth noting I managed to build a fully working and legit GT fusion reactor setup in 1.5.2 :p I honestly don't know if you consider it an achievement but I do :)
What was the worst thing you ever created in FTB: The first world. As I was absolutely new to FTB I had no idea how to play it, so I just tried it the vanila-way, which is building a little house in the middle of a narrow canyon. Obviously resulted in a lot of pain trying to expand.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Application template:

IGN Name: musicman148
Age: 18
Location: Chicago, IL
Previous bans if any (be honest): None
Experience with FTB and screenshots of previous builds (if any): Ive played FTB for over a year but i do not have any screenshots due to a new desktop!
What was the worst thing you ever created in FTB: An interesting underground base that resulted in major failure and lots of lava...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Attention Agrarian Sky Pack Applicants:

Leave details of IGN, Age and Location in comments or PM. Let me know if you prefer to work alone or in a party....be honest! Also, how active you will be on the map. (Remember, you must be 18+ and have access to Teamspeak)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Speak for yourself, I don't plan on falling in the void, at all! See you tomorrow! Hmm, now to pick a new skin.

Sent 2 people your way to fill out apps! Dawnwraith & Hodkor
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
ok...so after some testing...we're going to start the map today.

We currently have space for 4 more teams (single or group teams)