Whitelist Server Stonecraft: FTB Mindcrack-(8.3.2) - [Whitelisted]

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Man On Grassy Nole

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Stonecraft Whitelist Form --IGN: James_Todd

-Why you want to play on our server: I would like to participate in a private non grief server that has people around my age group (and others) and to also join their party at times and have some good hearty fun. I like to have a laugh and I as a local ICT analyst I can provide technical assistance if required. I also am very helpful in that I will easily help new people to get started on the server if they required it including being rather mature so there will be no complaining in regards to technical issues. I can also donate If I feel this server is what I am looking for.

-Anything else you want to add: I hope you consider me for an exclusive position as I actually only registered with this site specifically for this server, I know alot about Minecraft but would love to rack of alot of hours on FTB. I am an avid internet user and I usually check in at least once a day (If im working lol) If not its a full day thing if I have something to do.

I look forward to your decision.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
im having troubles when I log on it says that im not welcomed to the server
im thinking because my username is sunnnytinker12


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sorry for the downtime again guys, just don't have much time to keep an eye on the server atm, I'll be sure to check on it more frequently now, and I'll probably give it a RAM upgrade soon. Anyway, that downtime was a one-off, sorry about that! ;)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
- Stonecraft Whitelist Form -


-Why you want to play on our server:I have been looking for a whitelisted ftb server like mindcrack that has alot of people and no griefers and i dont want to make some awesome buildings next day hae them destroyed

-Anything else you want to add:I am a really good people


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My IGN: SoChanel
Why you want to play on our server: I haven't played Feed the Beast in months and I really want to get back into it and I want to play on a whitelisted private server with a good staff and a good community where everyone is respectful and plays nice.

Additional: I used to own my own FTB server and it was similar to this one. I understand everything about the game and I know what I'm doing when I play. I'm mature and play nice.

Thanks a lot and I hope you take my application into consideration.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
-IGN: Xtreme1619

-Why you want to play on our server: I searching small FTB community where i can play with cool guys, build awesome thing and record vids to Youtube

-Anything else you want to add: i hope you add me to whitelist:)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
-IGN: Sharpadam
-Why you want to play on our server: I have been looking for a minecraft server to play on in the past but never found one that i could stick to. I know some people on this server and would really appreciate to play with you guys.
-Anything else you want to add: I can mind my own business and stay out of other peoples ways. It would be really cool if i get accepted :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
-IGN: Tahercool1
-Why you want to play on our server: I love playing FTB and i've been looking for a mature and friendly server to play on and make some friends :)
-Anything else you want to add: I'm 18 and I love gaming.I'm also a geek.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
- Stonecraft Whitelist Form -
-IGN: Imperialelite
-Why you want to play on our server: Stonecraft seems like it has a lot of potential, and it looks like stonecraft has the perfect modded experience I'm looking for. It looks like a kind and safe community where I won't have to worry about being killed/griefed or other people duping their items. I also love the fact that the are are admins that monitor what goes on the server when necessary. Anyway, If I get accepted I know that I will have a blast and get the experience of feed the beast not every server has to offer.
-Anything else you want to add:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Accepted: Imperialelite

Guys I could really use some more information, a sentence isn't really enough. Feel free to re-apply, and I will reconsider you, but I just need something to work with! I'm flattered by all your applications though, and thank you for applying; I still hope you can join.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
-IGN: Sharpadam
-Why you want to play on our server: I have been looking for a minecraft server to play on in the past but never found one that i could stick to. I know some people on this server and would really appreciate to play with you guys.It has been a while since i played minecraft and would like to get back into it. You seem to have a lot of people that play on your server and i would like to be one of them. Minecraft is fun with other people in my opinion so i guess your server fits my style of play.
-Anything else you want to add: I can mind my own business and stay out of other peoples ways. It would be really cool if i get accepted :).Never have griefed on a minecraft server and i never intend to. Will be social with other players :p.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
-IGN: Tahercool1
-Why you want to play on our server: I love playing FTB and i've been looking for a mature and friendly server to play on and make some friends :)
-Anything else you want to add: I'm 18 and I love gaming. I've had interest in minecraft since 1.5 beta and playing since then.I respect other players work and I never grief.I love to make a community buildings and working with other players on the server :) . Other than minecraft the game I play the most is Battlefield 3(same ign) and i'm looking forward to BF4 :D .


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
-IGN: owlnight321
-Why you want to play on our server: i have always wanted to learn more about FTB and i never really liked playing on single player cause if i need help i have to search it but i could just ask someone online to see if i could get some help. FTB i have played like 50 times mostly in survival and i have learned some of the stuff but i would like to play on a server where not anyone could join and it would be easier to play
-Anything else you want to add: i have a youtube channel (it sucks) and i might record on this server to start a new series