I've been experimenting with it on Horizons and it is pretty amazing. I currently have a Algae farm feeding into two photobioreactors, making hydrogen for my Compression dynamos. Soon I will be setting up a Husher with slickwater. I can supply pictures later if anybody is interested.
Heres my Slickwater production(Note: It was not able to keep up! So more mixers may be needed.)
My Algae farm. The blocks in the middle of each farm are block breakers with a block update sensor on top of each. The setup at the bottom left are the two photobioreactors which actually produce the hydrogen.(They do not need power. Neither do the block breakers.)
My use of the hydrogen from the algae farm(the drums are all full of hydrogen. The compression dynamos in the front are using the hydrogen. The ones in the back are using liquifacted coal.)
The husher after finishing up its job.
Heres my Slickwater production(Note: It was not able to keep up! So more mixers may be needed.)
My use of the hydrogen from the algae farm(the drums are all full of hydrogen. The compression dynamos in the front are using the hydrogen. The ones in the back are using liquifacted coal.)
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