IGN : Motocheat
AGE :24
Skype : I'm gonna PM you

How Long have you been playing Minecraft FTB? : Since 2013, before that i did play modded minecraft with the tekkit launcher.
How much time will you be able to spend on the server? : Around10 to 25 houres weekly, give or take.
Will you be able to get along with people in the server? : Yes, i'm usually just ingore rude people on the internet. And i'm consider myself a nice player

What could you bring into the HeartCraft community? : Hmm.. loads of love and hugs, it's a really tough question tho. But yeah i can bring some techinical expertise with the techincal mods,
those magical mods not so much let's us just say that i.. pfft i don't belive in magic!.
Did you read the rules? :Yes i did, I did decide that im only gonna follow you'r 10th rule, otherwhise it's just to anny rules to follow

Timezone : Central European summer time. (UTC + 2 hours)
Extra Information : i'm a really chill person, like to play video games. i had a periode where i did play way to much FTB, so i had 2 month break from it.
decided to start playing again. The reason im applying for this server is becouse one close relative have applyed recently and got whitelisted