Download for Minecraft 1.7.10
This adds a quest system (not linked to HQM) which lets you unlock recipes using a constant supply of items.
One block is added - the Quest Item Acceptor. It has a boring grey texture. It has no recipe - add one with MineTweaker or similar. The block name is "3BE4DF5C-A8FC-3BE9-88ED-F9DF2CEAAB95:acceptor" (without quotes). I'm sure you will "appreciate" the use of a UUID for the mod ID.
Items for any quest can be fed into a Quest Item Acceptor - no setup is needed, since there can't be more than one quest that uses the same item.
Here is the GUI of the Quest Item Acceptor - using the config below, and with an infinite supply of iron provided:
The iron quest is "full" of iron (shown by the green bar) - any more iron supplied will be destroyed.
For the other two quests displayed, I would need to supply 64 of the requested item to unlock the recipe (sticky pistons or sugar) (shown by the red bar and the red text). Click on the arrows to scroll.
Using the config below: you need to feed 256 iron, and then one iron/second forever, into a Quest Item Acceptor, and then all recipes that create pistons will be unlocked.
Crafting recipes are supported; smelting/macerating/inductionsmelting/liquid transposing/etc recipes are not.
Quests are global, not player-specific. Anyone can supply items, and recipe locking affects everyone.
Quests will not sync in SMP, but the mod will probably work (but not sync things correctly, including which recipes are unlocked).
Example config file: (in config/RecipeUnlocker.xml)
The only option not shown here is "unlocksMeta", which specifies the damage value of the item to unlock (default is any damage value).
The mod will crash if there is no config file - it will not be automatically created (because it's modpack-specific).
This adds a quest system (not linked to HQM) which lets you unlock recipes using a constant supply of items.
One block is added - the Quest Item Acceptor. It has a boring grey texture. It has no recipe - add one with MineTweaker or similar. The block name is "3BE4DF5C-A8FC-3BE9-88ED-F9DF2CEAAB95:acceptor" (without quotes). I'm sure you will "appreciate" the use of a UUID for the mod ID.
Items for any quest can be fed into a Quest Item Acceptor - no setup is needed, since there can't be more than one quest that uses the same item.
Here is the GUI of the Quest Item Acceptor - using the config below, and with an infinite supply of iron provided:

The iron quest is "full" of iron (shown by the green bar) - any more iron supplied will be destroyed.
For the other two quests displayed, I would need to supply 64 of the requested item to unlock the recipe (sticky pistons or sugar) (shown by the red bar and the red text). Click on the arrows to scroll.
Using the config below: you need to feed 256 iron, and then one iron/second forever, into a Quest Item Acceptor, and then all recipes that create pistons will be unlocked.
Crafting recipes are supported; smelting/macerating/inductionsmelting/liquid transposing/etc recipes are not.
Quests are global, not player-specific. Anyone can supply items, and recipe locking affects everyone.
Quests will not sync in SMP, but the mod will probably work (but not sync things correctly, including which recipes are unlocked).
Example config file: (in config/RecipeUnlocker.xml)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Request 1 iron/second (0.05/tick), plus 256 at the start, to unlock all piston recipes. No more than 64 extra iron will be stored. -->
<quest requires="minecraft:iron_ingot" pertick="0.05" maxBacklog="256" maxSurplus="64" unlocks="minecraft:piston" />
<!-- Request 24 gold/minute (0.02/tick), plus 64 at the start, to unlock all sticky piston recipes. No more than 3 extra gold will be stored. -->
<quest requires="minecraft:gold_ingot" pertick="0.02" maxBacklog="64" maxSurplus="3" unlocks="minecraft:sticky_piston" />
<quest requires="minecraft:redstone" pertick="0.05" maxBacklog="64" maxSurplus="3" unlocks="minecraft:sugar" />
<quest requires="minecraft:diamond_ore" pertick="0.01" maxBacklog="64" maxSurplus="3" unlocks="minecraft:tnt" />
<quest requires="minecraft:iron_ore" pertick="0.01" maxBacklog="64" maxSurplus="3" unlocks="minecraft:fence" />
The mod will crash if there is no config file - it will not be automatically created (because it's modpack-specific).