If you are curious about the blocks in a mod type this into the NEI search bar
this works with any mod (make sure you get the name right, but that shouldn't be too hard)
It is quite clever and substrings work to so @zation will work for factorization and @factor will work for factorization and minefactory reloaded
Use this for any mod in your pack
In the case of factorization you can use the slag furnace to get a small bonus on your ores. You can power it directly using any furnace fuel like charcoal or you can power it indirectly with a furnace heater.
The furnace heater needs factorization charge to work. To get that you using just factorization you need two things and then an optional third thing. The things that you must have are a water boiler (place it above an infinite water source and get steam), and a steam turbine which turns steam into charge. On the NEI tooltip you will notice that the water boiler needs heat. This can be provided in two ways. You can use mirrors like solar panels. If they have an unobstructed line of sight to the sky and are in range and can see a water boiler they will visibly orient themselves at the water boiler and provide it with heat. Then you will get steam.
Alternatively you can use a caliometric burner adjacent to the water boiler. This creates heat by burning food.
The other items in the Factorization ore processing chain are in order, lacerators, mixers, slag furnaces, crystallizers.
If you don't want to use the water boiler to make steam you can use steam from an outside source like railcraft to supply the steam turbine.