About North-Craft:The North-Craft community is over 2 years old and consists of 4 servers: a semi-vanilla survival server, an FTB Direwolf20 server, a Technic Attack of the B-Team server and our recently opened FTB Monster server. We are a no- PvP/no grief community that strives to maintain a fun, enjoyable experience for all our members. We pride ourselves on having a dedicated, knowledgeable staff and run a whitelist to ensure that our players are friendly, respectful and just looking to have a fun time playing in a grief and lag-free environment.
Server Specification, Modpack Info and IP:
- CPU: Intel Xeon E3-1270 (V3) 8 Threads @ 3.5GHz (Turbo to 3.9)
- RAM: 32GB DDR3 1333MHz ECC
- Primary Drive: 128 GB Samsung 840 Pro SSD
- Port Speed: 1 GBPS Uplink
- Location: Dallas, TX, USA.
Server IP: monster.north-craft.com
Here is a google doc that will help you to install Monster and answer some of the most F.A.Q.: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zBxRpObz5jTUtabMiIjUE5EtUm4TAwlx5Yac-a9ZbmI/edit
Community and Gameplay:
- 24/7
- No-Griefing and no PvP
- Over 20 plugins, including: AdminPrivateChat, CapsBlock, ColoredTags, EnjinMinecraftPlugin, GAListener, GroupManager, HorseTools, ItemRestrict, LWC, OpenInv, Prism, SignColours, Vault, Votifier, WorldBorder, WorldGuard
- Various commands such as /home, /tpa, /lock, and many more!
- Our website is designed for your convenience and can be found at: http://www.north-craft.com/
- Active forums section.
- We listen to player feedback.
- Regular full changelog postings on the website.
- A whitelisted community, meaning that players are mature, respectful, and will help you get started or answer questions that you may have about a specific mod.
- Dedicated, knowledgable staff who are there to help with gameplay problems and issues.
- A list of banned items can be found at: http://www.north-craft.com/ftbforum.../15750750-banneddisabled-monster-server-items
- Mystcraft is restricted.
- Due to lag issues, BC quarries and Quarry+ quarries are banned, we use Ender Quarries and Mining Ages to ease the pain of resource gathering. We also employ a “1 Quarry 1 Player” rule.
*These are only the highlights. If you'd like to read a full list of rules you can do /rules when you are online and read the signs at spawn.*
- No griefing (The quickest way to get banned, we have a 0 tolerence for griefing/stealing)
- Be respectful to staff and players.
- Don't harm the server in any way or abuse any glitches.
- Don't cause drama, and don't troll.
- Lost items are lost, unless you have proof you had them.
- Don’t advertise other servers.
- Don’t ask/beg for items, it’s a survival server for a reason, It’s all out there in the world.
Please remember we are currently running Version 1.1.2 of the FTB Monster pack with Blood Magic enabled.
You can apply directly on our website at this link: http://www.north-craft.com/monsterwhitelistapp
Or you can leave a post in this thread in the following format please:
Minecraft User Name:
How often do you plan on playing:
Tell us a little about yourself/your playstyle:
How would you rate your knowledge of the Monster Modpack? (This answer will not affect your eligibility to be whitelisted, we’re just curious)
Why do you want to join North-Craft and play Monster?
What do you feel you will bring to our community?
Do you agree to our rules and will you read the signs at spawn and do /rules in-game?
What is your favorite flavor of Pie?