New FTB Server Coming Soon!

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am starting up a new FTB Ultimate server at the end of the week. If you are interested you will need to contact me over skype for an interview and to be filled in with details etc. We are looking to start with a group of 6 people to work on the spawn, plugins and just play as well.

Contact me if you are interested.

Thanks, Sam Egerton.

Skype Name: EGERTRONx


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wrong section, this should be under server promotion. Also adding you on Skype in a moment, discuss things like server location, which should really be in this post.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It just occurred to me. I ought to do a let's play on my own server and just CLAIM other people are on it with me. From time to time go over to other peoples houses (that I made off camera) and they're 'around' and when I talk, I just do a voice modifier on my mic and fill in their bits. Who knows, saying stuff to me like, "Yeah, my house is loads better than your dirt castle." and "Just how many times to you plan on falling to your death? Jet Pack, Hello!!!"

Now that I think about it, I'd be too hard on myself, and I best just not let my other personalities have a go insulting how bad I am.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It just occurred to me. I ought to do a let's play on my own server and just CLAIM other people are on it with me. From time to time go over to other peoples houses (that I made off camera) and they're 'around' and when I talk, I just do a voice modifier on my mic and fill in their bits. Who knows, saying stuff to me like, "Yeah, my house is loads better than your dirt castle." and "Just how many times to you plan on falling to your death? Jet Pack, Hello!!!"

Now that I think about it, I'd be too hard on myself, and I best just not let my other personalities have a go insulting how bad I am.


. . . .That was very random. I feel like you got very drunk, stumbled into my house, then stumbled back out after telling me your life's story.
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