This thread is not about whether FTB or Survival Mode should be balanced or not. Slowpoke has stated that he intends for FTB to have some measure of balance. If you post involves whether or not FTB should be balanced, your post will be reported as spam.
Here's the result of a single spelunking trip:
after fortune III:
665 diamonds, more than I would ever possibly need. Also shows all the gold I mined, and some gems I grabbed.
Here's the world settings if you want to replicate. It only takes a few tries to get a suitable world.
Hell biome (So that only rare ghasts spawn as enemies.)
Dense ores (where all the OPness really lies)
Single biome
Cave World (to get the waterline and base ground height low.)
Ravines (To expose large sections at diamond levels.)
Caves (More low access)
Bright (So as to not need torches/headlamps)
What you do is simply fly around looking for low-lying caves and ravines, and mine away. The solitary debuff I had was Mining Fatigue 3, which was offset by my Efficiency IV picks. The world also had relatively slow moving corruption (I've seen it a lot faster) that I could easily outfly after spelunking in ravines and caves. It also had useless meteors that hit the world top, and random explosions that weren't a worry.
This is a serious problem because it makes rare ores all but worthless. Price of entry is exceedingly low: cow, chicken, and sugarcane farms, and then simply spamming of ages. I haven't tested, but I imagine that even Iridium would be easy to amass on a server environment if a user uses a texture pack that makes the ore stand out. If you run a server and use Mystcraft, or don't want the temptation on single player, you will definitely want to set heavy_resources.enabled=false in Mystcraft config. I think this is pretty strong evidence that this tag should be set to false by default in the pack.
Here's the result of a single spelunking trip:

after fortune III:

665 diamonds, more than I would ever possibly need. Also shows all the gold I mined, and some gems I grabbed.
Here's the world settings if you want to replicate. It only takes a few tries to get a suitable world.
Hell biome (So that only rare ghasts spawn as enemies.)
Dense ores (where all the OPness really lies)
Single biome
Cave World (to get the waterline and base ground height low.)
Ravines (To expose large sections at diamond levels.)
Caves (More low access)
Bright (So as to not need torches/headlamps)
What you do is simply fly around looking for low-lying caves and ravines, and mine away. The solitary debuff I had was Mining Fatigue 3, which was offset by my Efficiency IV picks. The world also had relatively slow moving corruption (I've seen it a lot faster) that I could easily outfly after spelunking in ravines and caves. It also had useless meteors that hit the world top, and random explosions that weren't a worry.
This is a serious problem because it makes rare ores all but worthless. Price of entry is exceedingly low: cow, chicken, and sugarcane farms, and then simply spamming of ages. I haven't tested, but I imagine that even Iridium would be easy to amass on a server environment if a user uses a texture pack that makes the ore stand out. If you run a server and use Mystcraft, or don't want the temptation on single player, you will definitely want to set heavy_resources.enabled=false in Mystcraft config. I think this is pretty strong evidence that this tag should be set to false by default in the pack.