And for Advanced solars, what is it, 4 uranium to match 32 eu/t? Not to mention the iridium 
Lemme see if I get this right...
4 uranium
32 depleted cells
32 uranium cells
32,000,000 eu?
160 eu/t? That's not even the best way, either, I just forgot the exact numbers to centrifuge to thorium and plutonium
Oooh, this reactor's almost done, I can't wait to try out my newest design that I used my mind to create!
Oooh, this solar panel's never going to finish, I just love watching it generate eu and...
generate eu the sun!
Lemme see if I get this right...
4 uranium
32 depleted cells
32 uranium cells
32,000,000 eu?
160 eu/t? That's not even the best way, either, I just forgot the exact numbers to centrifuge to thorium and plutonium
If reactors become boring for you (even after using the infinite amount of possibilities in creating a layout), how do you not get tired of solars?reactors become boring and more of a chore for me after using it so many times.
Oooh, this reactor's almost done, I can't wait to try out my newest design that I used my mind to create!
Oooh, this solar panel's never going to finish, I just love watching it generate eu and...
generate eu the sun!