Mod Update: Bibliocraft 1.9.0 - Added: Atlas (Bunch O' Maps in One!) & Custom Paintings!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Bibliocraft 1.9.0 - Added: Atlas (Bunch O' Maps in One!) & Custom Paintings!

It’s finally that time again! BiblioCraft v1.9.0 is ready to share with the world. This update mostly focuses on a new item called the Atlas, which is basically like a portable chest of maps that can create new maps, automatically find and select a map in the Atlas inventory that shows your current location at a selected zoom and so much more. I tried to write a pretty thorough explanation both in the changelog and on the Items page. The text is formatted a bit better on the Items page, so I recommend having a look at that to get a better idea of how all the features work. One important note I want to stress is there is a good number of tooltips built into the atlas if you hold down the Ctrl button and hover over buttons in the atlas. This is only going to be for Minecraft v1.7.10 and not v1.7.2 this time since I had to use a feature in code that is unavailable in v1.7.2 for the atlas.

The other major feature is custom paintings support. Custom paintings can be loaded via custom resource packs or by putting .png images in the BiblioCraft jar file. Custom resource packs are the preferable method as you can load and unload them easily in game. Custom paintings are client side and servers do not need the images installed, though you could likely use the server to client auto resource pack download feature to force download a servers painting pack to all the clients. If another player doesn’t have a painting you used on a server, then a “painting not found” default painting is displayed. The other player can look at the canvas item and see the name of the image being used. I placed an example resource pack inside the BiblioCraft jar file so you can easily see what it takes to make a custom paintings pack. You are welcome to just use the example pack and throw your images in it and share it / use it in any way you like.

I would like to encourage people to feel free to create custom painting packs, either from scratch or by using the included example pack and share them with the world. If you share your custom pack with me on the Minecraft forum or on twitter and it doesn’t include any copyrighted images I might make share them on the website so everyone can find them.

Also, on the topic of paintings, my good friend Shabby Quotient (author of 5 of the original BiblioCraft paintings) has provided us with three more wonderful paintings for your decorating pleasure.

Anyway, if you have any questions, comments or issues feel free to leave a comment here on the website, post on the minecraft forum or create an issue on github. I’ll leave you here with a couple images showing off the update. Enjoy!

Post Author: @Fixided