MineCommunity is a growing community of Minecraft youtuber's and livestreamers. The community is slowly growing and expanding adding more members you can enjoy playing Minecraft with.

There are two methods to apply to MineCommunity
Prefer to join via an Application, then look below
About You [Youtuber's + Livestreamer's fill out]
Minecraft Username [Must be Premium Account, no Cracked Accounts]:
Age [Must be at least 15]:
Have you ever been banned? if so, why do you think this ban should not affect your app [as in explain the ban]? [Don't lie we have tools to check]:
Verification Link:
How to get a verification link
A verification link helps us make sure you own the channel you are submitting for, to get a link what you need to do is go to your channel and make a comment on your channel saying something like "Joining MineCommunity" this can be on your main channel or on a video, what you then need to do is copy the link and put it in the "Verification Link" field above
Make sure to make the comment while logged into the right account so for example if you are applying for a channel called test, the comment must be made on the test channel or one of the test video's from the test account, no other account no matter what the reason is.
About your Channel [Youtuber's Fill Out]
Youtube Channel Name:
Youtube Channel Link:
Youtube Subscribers Amount:
Youtube Video Views Amount:
Team [Fill out if you are a Youtube team so if your channel consist of than one person]
Other Member's IGN's:
Other Member's Skype Usernames:
About your Channel [Livestreamer's Fill Out]
Livestream Channel Name:
Livestream Channel Link:
Livestream Subscribers Amount:
Livestream Views Amount:
Team [Fill out if you are a livestream team so if your channel consists of than one person]
Other Member's IGN's:
Other Member's Skype Usernames:
Questions [Youtuber's + Livestreamer's fill out]
Will you be able to make a minimum of two, 15 minute videos/livestreams a week on any of our community server?
Will you be mature, for example don't grief, spam, etc.?
Prefer to join via a Video Response, then look below
About You [Youtuber's + Livestreame's fill out]
Minecraft Username [Must be Premium Account, no Cracked Accounts]:
Age [Must be at least 15]:
Have you ever been banned? if so, why do you think this ban should not affect your app [as in explain the ban]? [Don't lie we have tools to check]:
Team [Fill out if you are a team so if your channel consists of more than one person]
Other Member's IGN's:
Other Member's Skype Usernames:
Video Link [Post video link here, talk about whatever you want in this video but it must include something about joining MineCommunity]
If you are accepted you will be added on skype, the skype username you will receive the friend request from is minecrafterwork