I've been looking into making a factory myself. You can create a lot of ressources with energy alone (lots of energy that is) using the Industrial Centrifuge and Electrolyzer. Assuming an regenerative energy source, this gives you unlimited ressources. The process will start slow, but can be scaled up as needed.
Production Line 0: Energy -> Lava
Melt Netherrack or Cobblestone in the Magma Crucible.
Poduction Line 1: Lava -> Electrum, Tin, Copper, Tungsten, Gold, Silver, Lead, Nickel
Pump Lava into the Industrial Centrifuge, get Electrum, Tin, Copper, Tungsten.
Centrifuge Electrum, get Gold and Silver.
Centrifuge Silver, get Lead.
Centrifuge Gold, get Copper and Nickel.
Centrifuge Copper, get Gold and Nickel. (these two do not work for infinite returns!)
Production Line 2: Lava & Water -> Iron, Magnesium, Silicon Cells
Pump Lava and Water into the Igneous Extruder set to Obsidian.
Pulverize Obsidian, get Obsidian Dust.
Centrifuge Obsidian Dust, get Iron, Magnesium, Silicon Cells.
Production Line 3: Plant Balls -> Aluminum
Craft Plantballs (Saplings, Sugarcane etc).
Pulverize Plantballs, get Dirt.
Centrifuge Dirt, get Clay.
Craft Clay Blocks, pulverize, get Clay Dust.
Electrolyze Clay Dust, get Lithium Cells, Silicon Cells, Aluminum
Production Line 4: Blazes -> Diamonds/Thorium Cells
Pulverize Blaze Rods, get Blaze Powder.
Electrolyze Blaze Powder, get Coal Dust and Sulfur.
Centrifuge Coal Dust, get Thorium Cell.
Craft & Compress Coal Dust with Flint and Obsidian into Diamonds (Bling-Machine!)
You can start very small with just 3 machines: Industrial Centrifuge, Industrial Electrolyzer and a Pulverizer and scale it up as the ressources come in. Note that Pulverizer and Macerater can afaik be used interchanably and that the Centrifuge needs Dusts, so Ingots may have to be pulverized before centrifuging.
In terms of scalabilty, the Magma Crucibles seem to be the bottleneck. I hooked up a single Igneous Extruder (Cobblegen) to a row of 25 Magma Crucibles and still got occasional cobble overflow. The produced lava was enough for 10 Centrifuges and one Electrolyzer. This setup was tearing through power: about 500 MJ/t and 55 EU/t at full speed.
If you have more ideas for (completely renewable) ressources, I'd love to hear them