IGN: Zenzombie
Age: 17
Mod experience: Been with minecraft since Classic, I remember when Survival Test was released. I've done a lot with technic but still find myself lacking in the smaller details of the mods, been playing FTB since it released.
ever been banned before: Ehe, yes, I have. I used to be a bit of a griefer back in alpha, I was a douchebag. haven't griefed since then. Of course, I've been moderator myself on a few servers since then. Decided to join the good side :3
Your 3 favorite bands: Septic Flesh, Sorg Uten Tarer, The Faceless, Amon Amarth, and a lot more

Your three favorite movies: Ehh, not big on movies, I prefer anime. I liked Elfen Lied, One Piece, and Fullmetal Alchemist.
Do you prefere to venture forth or erect grand structures: Venture forth, build my shack, and start building my industrial empire of wealth and cookies.
Did you even more?: Only with your mother.