Hello! I am Kenneth A. Endfinger! I am a Modder with a great idea. Make a server like ForgeCraft that modders can use to test mods. I am using this thread to post mod permissions.
Just so you know who I am, here is a link to my Google+ profile: http://gplus.to/kaendfinger
These are for a private FTB pack.
As an incentive for giving us permissions, we offer you access to our server and for me to host files for anything at http://ken.wingedboot.com/ as well as a Jenkins for anything at http://ken.wingedboot.com:8080/
Thanks to everyone who gives us permissions! We are ever so excited to get this project started.
Just so you know who I am, here is a link to my Google+ profile: http://gplus.to/kaendfinger
These are for a private FTB pack.
As an incentive for giving us permissions, we offer you access to our server and for me to host files for anything at http://ken.wingedboot.com/ as well as a Jenkins for anything at http://ken.wingedboot.com:8080/
Thanks to everyone who gives us permissions! We are ever so excited to get this project started.