Whitelist Server JustDiedDotCom | Infinity 1.3.4 | WhiteList | TS3 | Facebook Page | Small Active Community!

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
JustDiedDotCom is Looking for some more FTB'rs to join our Smallish awesome community!

The server is up now! We are still working on some small aspects and setting up a spawn Area so bare with us!

Brief History!
We started up as a small teamspeak server where 3-5 of us would meet and play games (Mostly League of Legends). We started inviting people to the teamspeak server whom we knew in real life and also people we had fun playing with. Everyone would hang out in teamspeak even when not playing games, and everyone felt like a family. Six-Seven years later we are moving into the FTB arena. We want some more people to come play with us on our new server and join our Teamspeak family (Feel free to play other games with people too!) A few of us are in the IT field so we have quite a bit of experience with servers, and felt like having our own server running FTB would be better than just using something like creeperhost so we could customize it better! So here we are.

Server Specs
Quad Core Xeon E3-1230v3 3.3-3.7 GHz, 8MB (4 physical Cores, 8 HT cores)
HDD: 2x1000GB SATA 7.2K Software RAID1
100Mbps UNMETERED Port
Located on the EAST COAST USA

Infinity Server Specifics
Infinity 1.3.4

1.Mystcraft Disabled (Until we understand their impact on servers more)
1.PowerSuits Disabled (thats no fun)
(We will monitor other mods as more people start to play)

We use FORGE Mods (no plugins)
1.MyTown2 (All Protection files for the town)
(Until we get an Economy setup, Diamonds are the Currency for this)
2.MyShop mod
3.ForgeEssentials (Permissions, Chat, etc..)

This part people might not like.... but it is what we are built on as a community. We are looking for reliable, trustworthy, non-elitist, just likes to have fun type of people.

Our skill level in FTB ranges from almost no knowledge to down right idiotic, but we have lots of fun learning new stuff and playing around with things. We like to build as a community, but also like to have our own things going so if you want to be private then you should be able to do so without anyone bothering you, or you can build in a community setting... the choice is yours.

You can be guaranteed that you will not be hassled by moderators or admins here unless we feel like you are interfering with the ability of others having fun. One thing we found playing on other servers was that people with power would abuse it frequently Teleporting everywhere to people and what not without asking... This wont happen here. Myself and my Admins are adults and respectable of other people.

We DO require being on Teamspeak at least 50% of the time... we understand that you won't always be on.... but try to be sociable some when others are on maybe. Someone is always in teamspeak.

We are going to be VERY PICKY about the people we allow on the server. This may take some time to get to the population we want, but at least we will know our group is what we want. We will also have a facebook page for people that want to join and stay up to date with the latest information and news.

Contact Us!
The best way to contact me would be to message me on here. You can also message me on skype at lstarche. This is the best way to get the Teamspeak/Server information and to get Whitelisted! Thanks again guys, any questions please just ask.

|Im sure I forgot some stuff and also rambled too much, I apologize for the text walls. |


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Currently We have 4-5 members now! WE will be working on the spawn area today and tomorrow... We are also working on permissions and groups and what not still. I work in the IT field so I will be able to work on server side backend stuff when im not playing!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IGN Teklow82
32 y/o
Well i only play two games ATM Minecraft and Elite Dangerous. I been playing about 2 years. i would say im a moderate player. father of 4 kids. full timework. i live in the east cost usually online bout 5 till sleep. this would be the 2nd server i app for. i player for a couple weeks on a EU based server but the Admin was never on and its been about 3 days now server isnt up was crashing bad on there end. thats about the only public server i ever been on. i really enjoy taking to people in game while playing. unfortuantly i didnt get my friend i made info least the one guy who we helped eachother out and learned stuff off of.

is quarries, ender quarryies, trutles ok?
do you have a digger world of some type set up? ( that possiby gets reset every so oftin )


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok then, looks like I may not be the only old man to apply to the server :)
I'm 36, married with children, and enjoy modded MC when I'm not painting my house, repairing stuff or breaking it, or date night with the wife....basically the little free time I get I play MC. I would be able to follow the rules, and its proof that in the 5 years playing minecraft I've not been banned, ever. I've run servers, admin'd servers, and I'm at the point that now I'd just rather play than be in charge. TS is a problem just for the next few weeks while I'm playing at work, but after that, it will only be played at home (got a new job that requires me to pay attention!) and I can chat freely.
IGN is "Sgt_Slaughter_JB", and I'll message you right now.