1) Have you read everything above? yeah , unless u mean all the posts above mine
2) In Game Name: etopsirhc
3) Age: 24
4) Location (country/timezone): gmt-8
5) Time you are generally on: any time i can be , usualy between 10am to 2am ( not 2-10

6) How long have you been playing Minecraft: since beta 1.7.3
7) How long have you been playing modded Minecraft: almost as long
8) What is your favorite thing to do in Minecraft: depends on the type but in general i like to make cool contraptions and epic builds
9) Have you ever been banned from a server: not that i know of
10) If #9 is a yes, please explain:
11) Tell us about yourself and why you would be a good addition (Thanks LyndhurstV for this addition): i'm a good buy , though tend to joke around alot . i like to build things that are both functional as well as cool looking. one build i've been trying to get done on a server is what would become my house , a 256 by 113 by 110 ragnarok ( frame built by turtles detailed by hand )