Hello everyone, and welcome to the Iridium Aspect experience. Iridium aspect is a small private server with ambition and the desire to expand. As a community we have undergone two map resets, switching from the Mindcrack pack, to the Ultimate pack, and we are finally starting the Unleashed pack. We look to increase our active member count to at least twenty, from about ten at the moment.
Enabled Mods
Biomes O' Plenty
* This is a beta pack, and while we are going to do everything we can to prevent a map reset, nothing is guaranteed.
Features & Plans
Another feature of the Iridium Aspect server is the "Let's Play" community. While it is not mandatory, Let's Plays are encouraged. Some of us are more experienced than others in the LP department, so we aren't really holding any high standards for the Let's Plays at the moment; the main idea is just to have a fun time with it. Community LPs are always a lot more entertaining!
On opening day, we plan to have an opening ceremony of sorts where we all start together. The idea is that in the beginning we are going to all build around spawn and create something of a "Capital City" and this city will be called Iridium Aspect (of course). Eventually after our cobble shacks and wooden huts are up and we have a decent little start-up community area, we are all going to run off on our own, or in pairs, or what have you and start our main bases. Every so often we will return to our home in the Captial City to improve it, thus making a beautiful community capital by end game. You can of course connect your main base to your capital building via mystcraft or other means, which will act like a Hub, making the Capital a great place to travel, trade, create epic builds, and admire.
White-list & Requirements
Is this server for you? We are a mature community that has been around for a long time and are proud to say we've managed keep the griefing and other drama to a minimum. That said, we are looking mainly for 18+ members that are mature and get along well with others. However, we will be making exceptions to this rule because we feel it's not fair to judge someone on age alone. I'll be picking my favorite applications after careful review with server members, and having a short interview over Skype (video/voice is optional, but text chat is fine as well) just to make sure you are right for our community. I don't mean to come off as a strict, annoying admin by any means. The interviews will be short and fun, just to get a feel for your personality.
1) Cursing is allowed, racism or offending people in general is not.
2) No griefing, stealing, or killing (unless playfull of course, PVP is on).
3) Absolutely no cheating. Any dupe bugs or exploits should be reported to an admin.
Application:(Hint: Visually pleasing apps are my soft spot! =D)
Timezone: (optional)
Communication: (skype, etc.)
Feed The Beast experience:
Why I would like to join:
Are you an LPer, or would like to be:
Proudest Minecraft Moment: (optional)
Admins: Jeffroe888, Kucan
hello, quick questions.
1. is this a dedicated server, or is it running locally on someones computer?
2. is it 24/7?
3. when is the opening day?
Thank you.
Yes this is a dedicated server.
Yes it is 24/7.
Opening day was last Wednesday. No one is too far into anything just yet though, for instance we have not been to the end.