Age: 16
IGN: behrenfors
Skype or TeamSpeak 3: behrenfors00
Country: sweden
Timezone: Europe GMT 1+
Minecraft Experience/Favourite Mods: IC2
Average playtime a week: 10 hours
Any extra comments: i will like to play on a small ftb monster server with cool and experianced admin and no griefing+crashing and low uptime so yea i think this server is right for me![]()
Skype or TeamSpeak 3: None
Country: Peru
Timezone: GMT +5
Minecraft Experience/Favourite Mods: 3 years playing, favorites mods are IC2, Thermal Expansion, Minefactory Reloaded, Applied Energistics and recently Engineer's Toolbox
Average playtime a week: 4-8 hours a day, depending on how much time i have available
Any extra comments: I like small communities and playing in teams, also i help both players and admins if i can
IGN: Bigman52796
Skype or TeamSpeak 3: Both are Bigman52796
Country: United States
Timezone: Eastern, GMT-5
Minecraft Experience/Favourite Mods: I've been playing minecraft for about 3-4 years now, most of that time being with mods/FTB. I love just about all of the mods, but i like magic-based mods, such as Thaumcraft 4 and Ars Magica 2.
Average playtime a week: I can usually play at least 3-4 hours a day.
Any extra comments: I hope this server lasts. I've only found a few servers that i like, and most of them weren't up for that long. I love helping and learning from others, and i hope to play with you soon.
~~~ Random things ~~~
I won't using same applications as other users to show you that I actually put effort to write this (lol).
I am Martin, known as Muphet in many games. I'm 22 yo gamer who dedicates a lot of time for games like Minecraft (and robocraft recently), EVE Online and some alpha/beta tests for various MMOs. My happy days started when creative minecraft has been released. When I could materialize (almost) my dreams (I mean build stuff I always wanted to see). I was playing MC untill 1.2.5 and then I heared about tekkit. It was whole new experience for me and since then I never returned to vanilla minecraft. Lot of tekkit, then ftb and now I'm here.
Once I made a video for youtube which suprisingly wasn't that bad. I started doing some series of minecraft but mainly in my native language. Almost noone was watching this because ppl in my country are.. ok I will not say that. I did some international videos but I wasn't continuuing that.
After a while I started playing with twitch streamers, hang out with them on ts/skype which really improved my confidence. I live in Poland (GMT+1 or PST+6) so it might be the problem if you would want to play with me or record but nothing is impossible.
~~~ About minecraft ~~~
Let's back to the Minecraft. When I started playing FTB for the first time, I used GregTech. It was really hard and I was always disabling this mod. But after some time some ppl invited me to their server with GT enabled (it was ftb ultimate 1.0.1). After a while i was so addicted to GT that you can call me GT fanboy now. I know monster pack by itself don't have GT because ppl whined so much about it but still I can play both with GT and without. Later of 2013 i started using Applied Energistics after I saw a video of BevoLJ on youtube. Since then I cannot play without that mod. It's my replacement for RedPower's sorting system. Not so fancy but still good.
I'm not really good at building things that looks good but recently I started playing some easier modpacks like unleashed just to spend more time focusing on base/automation design. When it comes to particular mods like magic, I'm pretty late in it. I haven't play with Arsmagica2 and Thaumcraft4 yet, but everything else is pretty mastered for me. Recently I started using RotaryCraft as well.
~~~ And more random things ~~~
If that matters, I'm also web designer.
I might be interested in making youtube series from this server if I get accepted. I think it might be the next hermitcraft thingy if properly made accepting only selected people, so I will watch you even if I won't play here
I never played Monster pack before so there might be some mods I never played with. I hope you will teach me how they work or we will explore them together.
Age: 19
IGN: Dark_Hero_Matt
Skype or TeamSpeak 3: Dark_Hero_Matt
Country: Latvia
Timezone: GMT +2
Minecraft Experience/Favourite Mods: Have been playing FTB Unleashed for a long time now, have also experienced this mod a little/Thaumcraft, Dartcraft
Average playtime a week: Let's just say, that Minecraft has robbed me of quite a few nights of sleep...
Any extra comments: Want to be in a server, where everybody takes things seriously and to have a blast with great, interesting people![]()
About the YouTube series - I was thinking of making weekly episodes in my channel in a let's play series. A server seems to be the best place to do that, if you do not have any objections.App is under review!
About the YouTube series - I was thinking of making weekly episodes in my channel in a let's play series. A server seems to be the best place to do that, if you do not have any objections.
Age: 19
Skype or TeamSpeak 3: Skype = Damion McKim TS3 = McKim Boys
Country:United States
Timezone: Mountain time
Minecraft Experience/Favourite Mods: I have been playing minecraft since right before the nether update which was beta. I have been playing Modded minecraft for a very long time and I cant go back to vanilla. Playing on a server that has a involved community is half the fun of playing on a server. The other half is showing off your awesome builds. My favorite would have to be Gtech in version 1.4.7 or the ultimate pack of minecraft it has gone down hill lately. My favorite current mod would have to be either logistic pipes or TE3
Average playtime a week: At least a couple hours for about 4 days out of the week.
Any extra comments: I have been looking for a awesome server to start meet new people on and start a youtube serverplay on. (If it is okay) I love being active in community projects and just helping anyone in general when I can. That you for your consideration
-Mckim Boys
Age: 19
Skype or TeamSpeak 3: Skype = TS3 = indexument
Timezone: Mountain time
Minecraft Experience/Favourite Mods: No experience at all ! my friend JoeOtaku just pull me in resently.
Average playtime a week: 10h-15h
Any extra comments: I don't know what to say...