GRASSOLINE! — Are you using it?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey all, I just thought I'd start up a discussion about Thermal Expansion's new Grassoline fuel. There seems to be a whole production chain dedicated to making this stuff ingame, and I'm looking into starting to use it myself, just as something to do while I look at ways of getting away from reliance on resin power (and finding things to burn my power on!)

So I wonder, is anyone using it yet? Care to share your setups with us? :D
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hehe, it must've just been added in the last version or two then. I was looking at the various fuel recipes and found it in there. According to some reddit threads I found, the dev of Thermal Expansion is hoping to nudge people towards using that as a more powerful source of renewable energy than resin.
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Jan 29, 2015
Hehe, it must've just been added in the last version or two then. I was looking at the various fuel recipes and found it in there. According to some reddit threads I found, the dev of Thermal Expansion is hoping to nudge people towards using that as a more powerful source of renewable energy than resin.
Yeah, it looks like it! To get it fully set up and enriched it requires a fair bit of infrastructure but sounds like it’s worth it in the end. The result is between resin and refined fuel in terms of power, which makes sense.