Ok, so I guess people don't like taking screenshots, but you MUST post screenshots. If you're too lazy to upload a screenshot, then don't bother posting here please. Not to sound like a hardass, but if people are too lazy to properly fill out the application, then I have no way of knowing if they're right for this server.
Now that the servers been up for awhile, we've decided that we aren't going to assign jobs to eachother. Instead, everybody is free to do whatever they want, but people who make community projects are awesome.
We are now sort of established, but don't expect any freebies. We'll help you out, but I hope you are coming to the server to play Survival minecraft, not to get a ton of handouts.
Currently looking for: 1 or 2 more people.
Hey everyone =)
I'm looking to start up a small FTB server, with a few other people who just want to enjoy the game.
I want to keep it small, since I'm not made of money. (Hell, I'm far from it,) so I only want three other players. (To start. There is room for more, but I want to feel it out.) I play at all hours of the day, but would prefer people from west/central north america, so our time zones are all in sync. (Not racist or anything, it just sucks when you have a small server and nobodies on at the same time.)
The goal of the server is to keep everything community based. Everyone will have one main job, but they aren't tied to doing only that. At the start everyone can whore their resources, but eventually the goal is to have community ores, community plants, etc. Everyone will choose a job, and it's up to them to eventually (not instantly of course) master it to the point that there's more than enough to go around. I'm thinking the main jobs will be:
Farming (Mobs, crops, etc.)
Mining/Processing (I shotty this one.)
? (I'm open to suggestions =D)
I think they're all fairly self explanatory.
Everything will be done from a FRESH map, on Gregtech Hard mode, just so we don't 'beat' the game in a month.
You NEED NOT apply if:
-You plan on griefing (duh)
-You can't take a joke
-You are under the age of 18 (I'm a bit of a potty mouth, don't want to corrupt anyone
-You don't believe in making builds look nice.
-This is your first time playing FTB (I'm fine if you aren't a genius with everything, since the idea is to learn off each other, but you need to at least know how to setup your basic machines.)
-You can't play at least an hour a day (or two hours every other day...)
PICTURES/VIDEOS/ETC of previous work in FTB: (Just a few is fine, this is honestly to weed out the people who build 9x9 cobble boxes.)
Specialties: (What mods are you good at, what jobs you want)
How often are you able to be on:
Have you ever been banned from a server?
I will only contact you if I'm considering you for the server.
Ok, so I guess people don't like taking screenshots, but you MUST post screenshots. If you're too lazy to upload a screenshot, then don't bother posting here please. Not to sound like a hardass, but if people are too lazy to properly fill out the application, then I have no way of knowing if they're right for this server.
Now that the servers been up for awhile, we've decided that we aren't going to assign jobs to eachother. Instead, everybody is free to do whatever they want, but people who make community projects are awesome.
We are now sort of established, but don't expect any freebies. We'll help you out, but I hope you are coming to the server to play Survival minecraft, not to get a ton of handouts.
Currently looking for: 1 or 2 more people.
Hey everyone =)
I'm looking to start up a small FTB server, with a few other people who just want to enjoy the game.
I want to keep it small, since I'm not made of money. (Hell, I'm far from it,) so I only want three other players. (To start. There is room for more, but I want to feel it out.) I play at all hours of the day, but would prefer people from west/central north america, so our time zones are all in sync. (Not racist or anything, it just sucks when you have a small server and nobodies on at the same time.)
The goal of the server is to keep everything community based. Everyone will have one main job, but they aren't tied to doing only that. At the start everyone can whore their resources, but eventually the goal is to have community ores, community plants, etc. Everyone will choose a job, and it's up to them to eventually (not instantly of course) master it to the point that there's more than enough to go around. I'm thinking the main jobs will be:
Farming (Mobs, crops, etc.)
Mining/Processing (I shotty this one.)
? (I'm open to suggestions =D)
I think they're all fairly self explanatory.
Everything will be done from a FRESH map, on Gregtech Hard mode, just so we don't 'beat' the game in a month.
You NEED NOT apply if:
-You plan on griefing (duh)
-You can't take a joke
-You are under the age of 18 (I'm a bit of a potty mouth, don't want to corrupt anyone
-You don't believe in making builds look nice.
-This is your first time playing FTB (I'm fine if you aren't a genius with everything, since the idea is to learn off each other, but you need to at least know how to setup your basic machines.)
-You can't play at least an hour a day (or two hours every other day...)
PICTURES/VIDEOS/ETC of previous work in FTB: (Just a few is fine, this is honestly to weed out the people who build 9x9 cobble boxes.)
Specialties: (What mods are you good at, what jobs you want)
How often are you able to be on:
Have you ever been banned from a server?
I will only contact you if I'm considering you for the server.