Feed the beast ultimate enchanting options

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Mark Bjering

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have set up an Feed the beast ultimate server. but i have noticed that the normal enchanting table are using the old system where to have to be lvl 50 to get the best item enchants. and you have to pick up the axe put it in again 100+ times to get the lvl 50 option.
but when i had i normal minecraft server they had changed it to lvl 30. and it would be lvl 30 all the time when you put an item in. if you where lvl 30 that is.

So my Question is how to i change it so my Feed the beast ultimate server uses the new enchanting way. where lvl 30 is cap for best item. and where you don't have to click 100+ times to get the option lvl 30. but only ones?

Is that a extra mod you have to install to the feed the beast server. and if so can some one link it to me since i could not find it on Google or other sides.

Or is it a config file you have to change it in and if so with one ?

hope you guys can help me out :) thx
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