I forgot to bring a chunkloader to the nether when I set up a bunch of turtles to excavate. This meant I had to stay in the nether until they finished, otherwise their programs would abort, which is a major nuisance. Not an epic fail yet, but annoying. I dealt with it by AFKing in a safety hole with all my gear in a chest.
The turtles were close to filling up their diamond chests with netherrack (and a bit of ore) so I was moving some of the netherrack to wooden chests since I had some wood with me. In the middle of that, a ghast appeared. I didn't want it destroying chest so I started punching it... and that's where things started going wrong. Yes, I accidentally punched a zombie pigman. Seconds later I was dead (despite having pretty good armor on - forgot to take it off).
And that was when I found that the new loca[1]tion of my bed was inaccessible and I respawned 500m from my base.
So I ran back and grabbed some spare armor and a sword and went to kill off the pigmen and died again.
So I ran back and decided to wait until night time and sleep in a bed in a better location so I wouldn't keep respawning far from my base. While waiting for nightfall I started writing this post.
At the time denoted above by [1] I looked back at minecraft and was inexplicably dead again. (Actually it says it was a zombie but what was a zombie doing in my base? They've never got in before.)
Anyhow, I'm just idling while writing this and random mobs have killed me twice more at the spawn point but I don't really care anymore. I don't really care about the few things I lost.
But the big problem is that my turtles will have stalled and once I finally get the area clear, they're most likely far under lava. So getting them back is gonna be very tough.
[edit] HA! This third time I took a roundabout route back to my base, stumbled across the place where I'd almost built a base but decided not to (I kinda lost the location but it was ugly anyway), dragged myself home in the middle of a thunderstorm with 2 hearts and starvation, slept in my bed, made new armor and weapon, and went and killed those pigmen and got my stuff back! Not that it was worth much really. So now I have the horrible task of digging turtles out of lots of lava