Whitelist Server Crimcraft (dw20 1.0.0) small whitelist server Mature (18+)

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello, my name is Crim aka crimsonkinglp. I run a relatively small youtube channel. I have decided to open up a new direwolf20 1.7.10 modded server, currently on 1.0.0 but will update as time goes on. I am currently looking for players to come join me on the server.

The server is a skeleton server (4 GB of ram) from creeperhost hosted in Atlanta. I also have a Teamspeak server from typefrag for the server.

I am requiring mature players only. Do not apply if you are below 18 years of age. PVP is turned on, but this is not a pvp server. Please respect other players, and their bases. Pranks are allowed, do not destroy a base in doing one.

While youtube is not required, but keep in mind I will be making videos on the server and possibly visiting your base. If you are on teamspeak there is a chance you will be recorded during an episode or livestream.

If you are interested, leave a comment below answering the following questions:

In Game Name:
Location (including timezone):
Youtube channel (if you have one):
Twitch channel (or other streaming site):
Experience with modded minecraft:
Why do you wish to join?:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Age: 16 (I know my age does not meet your title but please give me a chance)
Location: England GMTGreenwich Mean Time
Youtube channel (if you have one): none
Twitch channel (or other streaming site): none
Experience with modded minecraft: 1 year with server fixing+managing experience
Why do you wish to join?:
Long story short, I had been hosting modded server with my friends but they do not have the passion of playing minecraft after completing some mid-end game objectives. So I am tired to host a server and get people online. Since you have a Youtube channel, I think I can have fun in your server as you might be those who truly love playing minecraft. I won't mind to be in your videos as playing on your own in server is terrible.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: damien1114
Age: 20
Location (including timezone): Ontario, Canada GMT-5
Youtube channel (if you have one): Monokin is my youtube channel. Just started making Videos
Twitch channel (or other streaming site):
Experience with modded minecraft: I have been playing modded minecraft since I started playing about 2 years ago.
Why do you wish to join?: I wish to find a small community that I can play with well making my youtube channel


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: Nytro
Age: 22
Location (including timezone): North Carolina, UTC-5
Youtube channel (if you have one): none
Twitch channel (or other streaming site): none
Experience with modded minecraft: Been with FTB since the beginning, always like messing around with the custom block mods like chisel, openblocks, etc.
Why do you wish to join?: Looking for a small server to join with a semi-active to active playerbase, without banned items based on trust / common sense.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: wahle
Age: 24
Location (including timezone): Ohio UTC-5
Youtube channel (if you have one): none
Twitch channel (or other streaming site): none
Experience with modded minecraft: A good bit been playing FTB modpacks since they started coming out and enjoying it.
Why do you wish to join?: Recently I have been doing alot of challange maps but now I want to get back into a good commmunity server


Jul 29, 2019
In Game name: Rickitang
Age: 22
Location(including timezone): South Africa UCT+02:00
YouTube channel (if you have one): none
Twitch channel (or other streaming site): none
Experience with modded minecraft: I've been playing ftb for 2 years and been doing lots of research on the mods.
Why do you wish to join?: I enjoy playing a lot of minecraft but don't have friends that enjoy playing, so looking to join a community of people that also enjoy minecraft. I do not have a problem being in your channel.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: Leight
Age: 20
Location (including timezone): Sweden GMT +2
Youtube channel (if you have one): Nope
Twitch channel (or other streaming site): twitch.tv/shuetox, barely uses it tho
Experience with modded minecraft: Played pretty much from the beginning of modded.
Why do you wish to join?: Looking for a newly started server that have mature players. Most of my friends dislike modded minecraft so there is not a possibility to get something running with them.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name:Thumboose
Location (including timezone): Latvia GMT + 2:00
Youtube channel (if you have one):I don't have for uploads
Twitch channel (or other streaming site):Sorry no
Experience with modded minecraft:I have played FTB since FTB launcher came out and befor that On tehnic launcher
Why do you wish to join?:Just hang out with people and have fun while building some incredible stuf
P.S. If YT channel or Twitch channel is needed i can make one.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: Bubbajr114
Age: 23
Location (including timezone): US/ EasternTime
Youtube channel (if you have one): Not for uploads
Twitch channel (or other streaming site): Plan on getting one
Experience with modded minecraft: roughly 2 years now
Why do you wish to join?: Well 2 reasons. First I would like to find a good group of people to play on a server with since my friends are not looking to play on a server right now. Second I am looking to start up a stream and videoing at some point and this seems like a good server to start that in.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: koptje306
Age: 23
Location (including timezone): belgium gmt+1
Youtube channel (if you have one): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQKRq56t_RUT7wyhyMdbCMQ
Twitch channel (or other streaming site): http://www.twitch.tv/shadoxy
Experience with modded minecraft: played monster and tekkit alot :p
Why do you wish to join?:
ive played alot of MC and after a quick break i want to start over again
but since all of my friends quit the game im looking for new people to play with ^^


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: Minoriko
Age: 23
Location (including timezone): United Kingdom (GMT 0)
Twitch channel (or other streaming site): http://www.twitch.tv/konngara
Experience with modded minecraft: Played on off for awhile, still alot to learn but I know my way around.
Why do you wish to join?: I like small friendly community servers! Large ones have a very cold feel about them, also would love to build with said community!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: FragMaster27
Age: 17 but soon 18
Location (including timezone): United States Eastern
Youtube channel (if you have one): N/A
Twitch channel (or other streaming site): SmooveMoney
Experience with modded mine craft: Played for a year but rusty
Why do you wish to join?: I love friendly communities with mature players. I miss being apart of one and learn from others. Also i'm lonely lol


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: Vser_
Age: 18
Location (including timezone): West Coast/ PST
Youtube channel (if you have one): N/A
Twitch channel (or other streaming site):
Experience with modded minecraft: I have been playing minecraft for 5 years now, about a year and a half ago I decided to give modded minecraft a chance and have been hooked ever since. I am very knowledgeable when it comes to most mods, especially the tech mods.
Why do you wish to join?: I really enjoy community involved servers, to me that is the best way to play. Over the years I have been following many youtube based servers such as Mindcrack and Hermitcraft and it is something I would really like to be a part of.

The Wabbit

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name:GracoPicotrain
Location (including timezone):pacific time California.
Youtube channel (if you have one):none
Twitch channel (or other streaming site):none
Experience with modded minecraft:I played with the Beta pack for a whilr
Why do you wish to join?:Want to get back into Modded Minecraft.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In Game Name: tiby1
Location (including timezone):EST
Youtube channel (if you have one):none
Twitch channel (or other streaming site):none
Experience with modded minecraft:played it for awhile sense tekkit
Why do you wish to join?:want to find a small good community


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey guys, sorry I haven't been able to respond. I have been busy with holiday stuff. Applications are still open, if I have not contacted you yet message me and I will handle it via PMs.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have some experience but haven't played in about 2 years and I'm just returning
No youtube channel, no mic, no stream channel.

37 years old. Sometimes my kid asks if he can play. It's supervised by me. He's 12 and I told him to be prepared to be told no.

Time zone is pacific (canadian west coast)