Bug Crash with crafting station

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have a quarry in my world with transfer pipes connecting the items to iron chests. I accidentally placed a crafting station on one of the pipes connecting to the chests, and the game crashed. Here's the report: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8792601/
I know i could use MCEdit to remove the crafting station, but the world is a non-zip file, so MCEdit doesn't recognize it.
Please try to help :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In MCEdit you can use open a level option and then browse to the level.dat file
The dimension I was in was the "mining dimension" or, more commonly known as Aroma1997's dimensional world's. I don't have a clue how to get to the dimension within MCEdit. When i go to the level.dat file, it spawns my in the overworld FYI. In MCEdit, in the bottom right hand corner where it says GOTO dimension is not an option, because the only ones that work and have stuff in them are the vanilla ones.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hmmm... MCedit would still be my first port of call but, assuming you loaded the chunks/built in the spawn chunks. You may be able to go into the dimension folder, and open the forcedchunks.dat (dunno if that'll work).

If not, MCEdit to move your player to the overworld, then delete the dimension, and spawn the stuff back in.

OR delete the mod that adds the crafting station/pipes. Thus removing it from your world. And then load the world, close it down. Re-add the mod, and spawn the stuff you lost back in.

Dunno why you called on me though. I am not an expert with buildcraft :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hmmm... MCedit would still be my first port of call but, assuming you loaded the chunks/built in the spawn chunks. You may be able to go into the dimension folder, and open the forcedchunks.dat (dunno if that'll work).

If not, MCEdit to move your player to the overworld, then delete the dimension, and spawn the stuff back in.

OR delete the mod that adds the crafting station/pipes. Thus removing it from your world. And then load the world, close it down. Re-add the mod, and spawn the stuff you lost back in.

Dunno why you called on me though. I am not an expert with buildcraft :p
It's not exactly a buildcraft issue though. It's more like a crafting station being rapidly filled with items most likely. I won't take the route of deleting the mod with crafting stations cause that mod is tinkers construct and I have a bunch of things that I would really want to lose so yeah. :p
In mcedit, it won't let me move my character into the dimension, it spawns me in the overworld, so I think my only route is either deleting the dimension world and logging on, or loading the forced loaded chunks.dat file. Thanks