Connect Lost, Timed Out

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joseff amador

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm posting this for a friend who is unable to connect to my server. All of our other friends are able to connect.

FTB infinity 1.11.2

He gets this message:

He times out before he even loads into the game world. And in-game, on the chat log it says "_____ has left the game"

He's not getting any error messages, nor is his client missing any mods.
He's reinstalled FTB (clean) several times.
I've even sent him my own /config folder just to ensure that his config matches mine (which matches the server). Still no luck.
We've increased his RAM on FTB launcher.
We've updated Java to Java 8 Update 65 (64-bit). Still nothing.

We're at our wits end here. Any other ideas?

The message the server gives is no different than when any other player connects to the server: