Agrarian Skies Information
Server URL: a.brierie.co
Current server version: 3.1.1
Available in the FTB launcher!
Welcome to our Agrarian Skies server, everybody still remembers Skyblock, the vanilla minecraft map where you had to grind cobblestone for hours and survive on a small island with limited resources, right? Well this is pretty much that but with the addition of about 100 mods. This doesn't make it any easier though, actually it makes is much more challaging! Below you'll find a list of a few features:
- Hunger overhaul: If you don't start to focus on aquiring food, starvation will most likely be your downfall!
- Questing system: You'll get rewards from quests which can help you a LOT on your adventure. Your questbook also contains all the possible information about the whole pack.
- Limited lives: You start with 6 lives by default, more can be earned by completing certain quests, if you loose your last life you're automatically banned from the server!
- (WIP) Player economy: Not really a standard feature but something we're experimenting with.
Brierie Servers General Rules
- Don't be rude or insult people in chat.
- No Spamming.
- No Swearing/Racism/Homophobia or any other generally offensive language.
- Don't advertise other servers.
- Don't over-use capslock.
- No griefing inside towny protected areas even if the permissions are not set up properly.
- No cheating or using modified clients to defeat the spirit of the game.
- No scamming in any way.
- No spawn camping.
- No AFK Machines (buy VIP if you want to AFK)
Banned Item List
- Bound tools
- Excavation Focus
- Chunkloaders : Restricted Item - You hardly need them anyway on this pack anyway xD
- Make a list of minimum prices
- Set-up a signshop for weather changes and basic items (not going to be cheap)
- Construct a functional PVP arena (fight for the other's items)
- Come up with certain events to keep things interesting
Work out items to add to the website shop when it becomes availableGet our own subforumRedo the whole spawnMake sure you can't enter the player market if you don't have access to cobble yetHide a few 'easter-eggs' to keep the spirit upAdd server to voting website and reward voters
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