Whitelist Server A7CRAFT FTB Direwolf20 /whitelisted / 20 slot / 18+ closed temporary

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A7craft is as close to playing on the Direwolf20 server as you can get. We are a close group of people on a semi-private server. We are whitelisted, and normally only take people referred to us by our members. With the new pack comes the need for a map reset, and the whole server agreed that it would be fun to start over, mainly for the chance to get some new people to join our family.

Direwolf20 1.6.4 V1.0.4 + Gregtech hard mod

Things you can expect from us :
Friendly people
No spawning in items
No griefing
No mad rush to get as many people as possible, we only want dedicated nice people.
No "ranks" of people. Even the administrator is just a normal player. We are all equal.
This means no /home or commands that they do not use.
Hard mode enabled
No ban on items or mods. If Direwolf20 use it, so do we.
Virtually lag free, even with several members using quarries, turtles, and chunk loaders pumping lava from the nether all at the same time.

Things we expect from you on our server:
Be nice and friendly.
Do not ask for mod, we don't need nor want ranks.
Do not grief or steal, or you will be kicked immediately.
Play for a few hours a day, more on weekend.
Hide your quarry's
Build at least 300 block away from spawn
Limited one mystcraft age by player
Understand that we are not here to have the most players. We want quality people who we can call our friends.

We are looking to get a small handful of people to join our family, so please post an application below

Username :
Age :
Why you want to join our server :
Banned before ?if yes why then :
Skype optional :
Other information :

Note: A7CRAFT server running Direwolf20 mod pack plus gregtech add-on
you must download and add gregtechmod v4.05m
in the mods folder in order to play in our server

Link :

We hope to see you soon, on our fresh new world, where we can all start over new together!

server has been shut down unable to use my credit card on paypal any more hopefully i can find fix or .... :(
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Username : dkittrell

Age : 24

Why you want to join our server : I love community oriented servers, I hate servers that let 100 members join and no one even talks to each other. I’m looking for a new place to call “ home”. Every other server has multiple banned items because they can’t trust their community which takes away from the mod packs, if someone is doing something stupid tell them no need to ruin everyone’s experience because of one bad egg. Also I follow Direwolf20 and im really interested in the new 1.6 mod packs so figured this was a perfect place to come to, especially since GT is installed, without it the experience is a little too easy :)

Banned before ?if yes why then : No I haven’t, I take pride in that!

Skype optional : yes, will provide if im accepted. Im hoping we have a chat set up?

Other information : Im an active member, Im usually on most nights after work usually for a few hours also on most weekends. I know most mod packs pretty well but with the new updates im eager to learn the new developments, especially Thaumcraft . If you need to know anything else just let me know.

Thanks for your consideration!

3nd3r w1gg1n

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Username: 3nd3r_W1gg1n
Age: 24

I would like to join this server because I am looking for a mature community that isn't going to be abandoned. This server in particular because of the length that gregtech adds to the game (have you already built the server? I hadn't realized you could add it to dw20 1.6 without conflict)

I have never been banned from a server

I would be interested in skyping with the group, I'm usually on for a few hours every evening

I have been playing modded minecraft since before ftb and I tend to watch a lot of videos, so I have a good understanding of most mods. I like making big elaborate builds and avoiding doing the same thing that every body else does.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Username : Eckon

Age : 18

Why you want to join our server : I was looking for the Ftb 1.6 Pack for a while and now it is released.. so I want to join a decent seized server with kind people to play with.

Banned before ?if yes why then : No.

Skype optional : I have Skype.

Other information : At the moment i can not play vanilla minecraft anymore, because modded is so much better, in my opinion.
I am experienced in the magical mods and I have general knowledge about the technical mods as well.
This Server has gregtech and im a huge fan of it, I just like to play in a kind of hard mode.
I watch almost every Direwolf20 video to be up to date.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Username : sparkl001
Age : 19
Why you want to join our server : Direwolf20 + Gregtech Hardmode + nice people+ new map. All i wished for :)
Banned before ?if yes why then : no
Skype optional : shazbot71
Other information : I like to play modded Minecraft with all the new possibilities. I like to watch and share creations and i play everyday ca. 2 hours if i have the time.


Active Member
Jul 29, 2019
Username : Melodiez_
Age : 18
Why you want to join our server : Really am into Direwolf's new pack and series, would love to test out the new compilation of mods with other friendly people as it is always better. Loads of ideas!
Banned before ?if yes why then : No
Skype optional : cheeseonpigwaffles
Other information : I have a youtube channel, not massive (200 subs, most watched video is 60k views), I play vanilla minecraft on a youtube server with other mature players of 18+. Am part of minecraft short animation group and build group who design servers spawns and maps etc.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Username : Phantom520x
Age : 19
Why you want to join our server : I'm very familiar with the current mods for 1.6.4 do to a history of playing with it on an old server. I could help anyone with their builds or answer questions if needed. All around I rather play in a community than by myself.
Banned before ?if yes why then : Never
Skype optional : xphantom520x
Other information : The old server I mention above was unstable, so some random stuff disappears in my inventory and the mods did not take it upon themselves to help me in any way to deal with this reoccurring issue.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Username: CL4P_TP_X
Age: 20
Why you want to join our server?: I'm searching for a server with a little community, all trusted people, because I'm really tired of getting griefed after hours and hours of work to gain all the machines and the materials. And then I'm really excited about Direwolf20 1.6.4 :)
Banned before?: No, i've never been banned from a server
Skype: I have Skype
Other information: I'm from Italy, I love to play minecraft (vanilla and ftb), I watch everyday minecrack videos, direworlf20 videos and I can't get enought of them :D I love to build in Minecraft, and with the all kind of blocks that FTB adds, I just go crazy :D

I'm just having a problem with the gregtech add-on, I don't find the version you mentioned :(

Hope to be able to join your project :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Username: RTT_ELF
Age: 21
Why you want to join our server?: I'd like to play in a good server with good people, I was grief too much time without reason, just for steal something and it's crap :mad: I saw Direwolf and I think that it's a very good Mod with a lot of potential and hardmode is always good :D
Banned before?: Nope
Skype: Yes
Other information: I live in Italy and I'd love to play with redstone. I always search on yt new project that I can do and I did 2/3 good things in the past (always destroy by childs :( )

Hope that I'll play with you, see you soon guys :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Username : McNiemeyer
Age : 20
Why you want to join our server : Since our own modded Minecraftserver does not work, I am looking for an other server which has the Direwolf20 modpack installed. I also like to build
together with other nice people on the server.
Banned before ?if yes why then : No
Skype optional :I have Skype
Other information : I am familiar with most of the technical mods especially IC2 and gregtech. But I am also interrested in other mods like the magical ones.
One thing I like about this server is that it has gregtech installed which many people do not like because it makes things more difficult. But I like to challenge myself a bit
so it is a good thing that this mod is installed on the server.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Username : tuga999
Age : 22
Why you want to join our server : I'm looking for a friendly small and mature server and you guys look like you're looking for quality over quantity and I LOVE that, not many server owners like that. So yeah, just want to play with nice people and why not make new friends as you said in your post.
Banned before ?if yes why then : Never ever :p
Skype optional : I'd be more than happy to give it if I am accepted, don't want to give to everybody on internet.
Other information : I'm Portuguese and currently studying Zoology in London. I play everyday exept when I have exams, but had an exam today so the next one is in July (so no worries). Hope to see you in game.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Username : ivoryfire
Age : 22
Why you want to join our server : because its 1.6 and ive been waiting a long time to play on a server that has it
Banned before ?if yes why then : no
Skype optional : n/a
Other information : looking to have fun


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Username : nathangeorge
Age : 19
Why you want to join our server : to join a mature active server full of friendly dedicated players
Banned before ?if yes why then : nope
Skype optional : bennfarmer
Other information: thank you for taking time to look over my app. hope I hear from someone as soon as possible


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Username : EliteCoder01
Age : 23
Why you want to join our server : I am interested in joining a small, friendly, 1.6 server with a variety of mods in addition to hard mode gregtech.
Banned before ?if yes why then : Never
Skype optional : Available
Other information : I am a computer science graduate student and have used most of the mods in the pack. In addition I am always willing to help out other players.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Username : jjjet42
Age : 18
Why you want to join our server : I like gregtech and the direwolf20 pack. The server description sounds like the kind of server i like to look for and play on.
Banned before ?if yes why then : No
Skype optional : I have it (I don't post my username in forums or anywhere on the internet. Usually only give it out in in-game chats)
Other information : I'm looking for a good server similar to the one that i used to be on. It was a good server until they shut it down. I enjoy programming and automating things. I also like to help others understand the mods and give tips and advice to help them.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Username : Quantuml33p
Age :26
Why you want to join our server : Lookign forward to the new mods coming out now and the 1.6.4 update and I'm looking for some people to play them with me. Had some differences with the owner of the last server I played on so i decided to take a break and am looking for something new.
Banned before ?if yes why then : No
Skype optional : Yes
Other information : Future student just looking for some new people to hang out with and mabey find a new Minecraft home.