This is the Official thread for "Sphax PureBDCraft for FTB"
NOTICE: I am not the owner of this texture pack, Sphax is. I just make patches to support mods.

This texturepack is designed to let you play Minecraft as if you were in a Comic book!
It is "vector based" and is available in all common resolutions: 16x16, 32x32, 64x64, 128x128 (recommended), 256x256 and 512x512.
The patches are not all 512x -16x due to some not been made with vectors we are working on redrawing them In the future we hope to have 512x - 32x
Just use the resolution which fits the "performance" of your computer!


Various Cables!

Various Machines and Blocks

Vanilla Pack
Addon Pack
Pack Compiled by JakeyTylor

Thanks to all of the hard work put in by these artists to make this pack possible
And me even though I am not as amazing as the rest of them!