Torn pages not recognized in the questbook "what the world teaches", infusion stones from thaumcraft are not accepted by the auto work bench
love to play this magic mods
great mod pack
love to play this magic mods
If you are wearing a sojourners sash, the mana used by the sash seems to be the same as the mana generated by the band of aura. So, you do not gain or lose any mana. Upgrading the band with terrasteel will give you a net gain of mana. If you are not wearing the sash and still not gaining mana, then I don't know, sorry.Anyone else haveing problems with the band of aura? thinking since i idle alot i use it to fill mana tablets or is that not how its used? I can't seem to get it to give any mana even after idling for like an hour.
If you mean the infusion stones from magical crops, they will not work in an auto work bench. Something to do with it possibly being designed to not work with items that are not used up in the crafting process. You had to use buildcraft's advanced crafting table or automate crafting using other mods if you wanted to craft with infusion stones. However, the advanced crafting table could only be used in Regrowth versions prior to v0.8. In Regrowth 0.8, Buildcraft was updated to version 7 and the advanced crafting table has been deprecated so you can no longer create it. I only took a quick look but could not find a replacement in buildcraft for the advanced crafting table. Unless you find something I missed, and if you do please let us know, you will have to automate crafting with infusion stones with other mods. I haven't tried it with infusion stones, but you could try botania's crafty crate, thaumcraft golems, or blood magic's automated crafting system if you don't have applied energistics up and running, yet.Torn pages not recognized in the questbook "what the world teaches", infusion stones from thaumcraft are not accepted by the auto work bench
love to play this magic modsgreat mod pack
Were you able to figure out what happened? I am having the same issue. I have reinstalled and tried a new single player game, to make sure it wasnt an error in my backup/ saves and It crashes when loading the seed.I have no idea what is going on... when I loaded Regrowth this morning, it wouldn't launch. All kinds of texture and mod errors I've never seen before. I deleted and re-installed the pack, no luck. I tried playing only a single player game.. no luck there, either. Anyone else having this issue? I ran the game last night without any problems.
If you are wearing a sojourners sash, the mana used by the sash seems to be the same as the mana generated by the band of aura. So, you do not gain or lose any mana. Upgrading the band with terrasteel will give you a net gain of mana. If you are not wearing the sash and still not gaining mana, then I don't know, sorry.
Didn't know the sash used mana now, never had before. Also anyone else have ideas on how to quickly get rid of water ponds? I thought there was a sponge or something i can use in botania but it must be elf lore or something because i can't find it.
The Rod of the Terra Firma can fill in ponds with dirt pretty quickly if you don't mind them being filled in with dirt. You will need to put a column of dirt down first so that it "knows" where to spread the dirt from if there isn't already dirt all around. However, it has a large radius and could extend dirt areas in places you didn't want or lower the land in areas you didn't want and it doesn't return any blocks that are destroyed when lowering land. Do not use any where near any dirt areas you don't want to accidentally change until you have tested and seen how it works. It will also fill in underground caves that you might not know about, so it might actually take a little bit before it gets to filling in the pond but all you are doing is right-clicking and holding so still a lot easier. ("a little bit" could be 5-20 seconds or so) Also note that it can use up quite a bit of mana. You can use it with the Rod of the Lands in your inventory and it will automatically create the dirt needed at an extra cost of mana. Or you can just have a bunch of dirt in your inventory.Didn't know the sash used mana now, never had before. Also anyone else have ideas on how to quickly get rid of water ponds? I thought there was a sponge or something i can use in botania but it must be elf lore or something because i can't find it.
The fix for the crashing problem is to change a line in the bloodarsenal.cfg file :
"B:"Is auto-magic version checking allowed?"=true"
"B:"Is auto-magic version checking allowed?"=false"
Hope you have more than 1 spreader, or you're just gonna be wasting fuel
As far as magical routes go, Blood Magic has a ritual that spawns lava. On the technical side, it's possible to pipe lava into a Flood Gate from buildcraft, and have it placed into the world automatically. I'm using the flood gate myself. Definitely need to make sure it is in a confined space though, or you could end up flooding your base with lava.I would use 4 spreaders with 4 flowers all connected to a 4 dropper with coke blocks. i find i can normally fill a pool in about 8 blocks per flower. which is nothing if you have a couple of ovens working on coal blocks. How would you suggest automating thermal lily? i know i can produce lots of lava but never actually automated it for lilies before.
Afaik, there's no way to transfer liquids over long distances besides pipes, tank carts, or moving it by hand. You can make your own lava with fire essence in a smeltery thoughOh of course i would build a small area to gather in a pool than use nodes to transfer to another area. Wandering if there is a way to locate liquid over dimensions? I know ender tanks not in this modpack anything close to it? What do i need to unlock the thaumcraft section i would love to get some items from it to make my life easier.