[1.7.10]GT-New-Horizons[Ultra Hard Gregified modpack via Minetweaker and Modtweaker][2,5K+ Quests]


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Normaly you can fill buckets with xp. Just dain it to a seared tank or other tank when you stand on this grate from Open blocks.

Thanks you like my pack. Developing many hours and got alot of help from other player and developer.
feeling that i am 12 IQ... Exactly like in quest about xp buckets i have drain, seared tank with xp and iron buckets. Why they wont fill with exp via rightclicking bucket in hands. Nothing happens. Sure i have empty spaces.


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2015
Version 11.05.2018

Mod Upgrade:

GalaxySpace-1.1.3b STABLE
GT Scanner Mod-1.4.2
Thaumic-Based-[1.7.10] 1.4.17-0
ThaumicTinkerer-1.7.10 2.5-1.7.10-555

Changed/added Recipes:

Advanced Backpacks
Update Advanced-Backpacks.zs

inconsistency for AE2 recipes #2681

fixes #2807 (#2828)

Blood Magic
Life infuser from Blood arsenal... #2834

abyssal stone chiseling #2718

Core Mod
[balance] coke oven bricks in alloy smelter are not benefitial / take too long #2754
#2754 fixed RedSand not useable for coke oven bricks in alloy smelter.
ore sand not working @bartimaeusnek we dont using newest GTTweaker version
Update CoreMod.zs
Moved Alloy Smelter Recipes to the coremod

Forbidden Magic
Forbidden Magic Wands #2860 and Caps
Thaumic Bases & Forbidden Magic

Rainforrest Oak Saplings to biomass #2678,
remove void frame from GT++ (removed in code)
added new GT++ frames
Fixed small issure on cocoa frame tooltip

Electromagic tools infusion recipes and gregtech metaitems #2694
fix for #2733

Ender IO
[config][suggestion] tooltip for travel anchors and minor cooldown tweak #2899

Galaxy Space
crash galaxy space #2781 remove Solar Pannel

Varja gated at UHV #2684
fix for #2747 made the Personal Relocator as an upgrade to the DE teleporterMKII

GT++ frames are way, way, too cheap #2689 update GT++ configs
Add all new frames from gt++ to mt script

Gearboxes require different materials #2887

Magic Bees
Add automated way to convert IC2 fertilizer into Forestry fertilizer #2855

Pressure plates provide too much burn value #2805

Replace Pam's salt with Edible Salt

Tainted Magic
Shadowmetal Attuned Obsidian Scepter #2843

Thaumic Base
remove old Thaumic bases file
Thaumic Bases & Forbidden Magic

Thaumic Tinker
Block of Ichorium is craftable in the compressor #2849

Tinkers Construct
[suggestion] Grout recipe putting buckets back to your hotbar #2697
Added info-tooltip for oreberries placeable on crops.

Vanilla MC
Packed Ice recipe Compressor / Crafting table / Crucible #2699
Rainforest Oak doesn't go in the Advanced Coke Oven #2771
[recipe] oredicted recipe to make wooden pressure plates overlaps with the GT plank covers that are not oak #2801
Pressure plates provide too much burn value #2805

Many Mods
Just list of things that annoys me alot - tier 1 #2831
[recipe] oredicted recipe to make wooden pressure plates overlaps with the GT plank covers that are not oak #2801

Code changes:

Core Mod
Various new textures, Most dusts, GTNH Coremod dusts for planet specific materials have been unified with the GT variants (hot/cold ingots not yet)
New items for the GTNH coremod are changed to fit their crafting components better. Also takes care of a visual glitch with the seaweed extract and the stargate crystal dust (alpha < 1 is not rendered properly)
New Textures. Nano items mostly. Didn't change much about the Quantum Armor because there isn't much to improve on the current items vs on what the armor simply ends up looking like
Varja gated at UHV #2684 https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/NewHorizons/issues/2684
Don't oredict planet mercury dust to mercury dust. Stops redstone from centrifuging into planet mercury dust
add new wlan card from oc
Various fixes fixed #2700 #2713 partitial fix for #2442 (EiO alloysmelter disable in the script) #2704 (other superconductor issures for gravisuit are fixed in script)
fixed dark quartz needs 1 instead of 4 black dye
fix for fused glass in alloy smelter chembath recipe for dark fused quartz & dark fused glass
changed circuits to GT_Utility.getIntegratedCircuit(1)
Unified code style (no new content) changed ItemList.Circuit_Integrated.getWithDamage to GT_Utility.getIntegratedCircuit
Pump recipe in assembling line #2674 https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/NewHorizons/issues/2674
Excessive cooling of superconductors #2735 https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/NewHorizons/issues/2735
[Idea] Circuit boards crafting #2762 https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/NewHorizons/issues/2762
increase tank size in Arc and Plasma Arc furnace
Add Edible Salt item for use as Harvestcraft salt Icon is borrowed from Infitech 2 core mod, which is GPL licensed (same as GTNH coremod)
Override any vanilla burn times with Minetweaker GTNewHorizons/NewHorizons/#2805
General Improvments Added GT_Recipe_Remover Class and moved all removeRecipeByOutput from GT_CraftingRecipeLoader class to it
Pulled Alloysmelter recipes from CoreMod minetweaker script to the GT_MachineRecipeLoader
Fixed Input Output amount mismatch for custom ItemCasings
added methodes to get the coremods blocks as ItemStacks easier
added a method to get the coremods items with a custom amount as stack
enhanched perfomance/ram usage a bit
execution of https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/NewHorizons/issues/2808 added assembler recipes for Railcraft WaterTanks dependencies readability
fixes #2842
added missing 2 ZiO -> 3 Zn Blast recipe
fixed ZnO + Carbon did not give out ashes aswell
Stargate Rebalance changed Stargate Crystal to 100% chanche changed Stagate foil cost from 7.3k Singularities to 375 Singularities (see https://pastebin.com/NUcvFbH8)
small fix getFluid -> getGas
SMD Components Quest #2838 https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/NewHorizons/issues/2838
High Tier Solar Panel Recipe Swap #2832 https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/NewHorizons/issues/2832
Woven Cotton needs assembler recipe #2852 + since its an assembler recipe its a bit cheaper
Add UHV Scanner add more machines in uhv tier
Modified Galactic Greg def file modified Europa OreGen to generate in the Ice Layer instead ontop of it enabled TcetiE, CentauriA, Europa gen added final modifiers for clear programming / potential memory reduction
Thaumic Bases nerf #2776 https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/NewHorizons/issues/2776
Forbidden Magic Wands #2860 https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/NewHorizons/issues/2860
Thauminite Caps & VinteumString
Added Silvercloth, renamed Thauminite Caps
Changed Metal Strings to Threads
fixed barnardaC, europa gen added stone to barnardaC base blocks re-activated water on europa for gen, otherwise veins wont generate propperly there
Forestry Circuit Board Assembler Recipes #2884 https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/NewHorizons/issues/2884
Moved HEE to our own location Updated Jenkins / nexus location
Ethanol production with forestry fermenter costs too much energy
unified circuit style
added Rocket Chips from DataSticks
Buildcraft Power Pipes in Assembler https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/NewHorizons/issues/2906
fix BC Pipes in assembler recipes

Superconductor Wires Require UV Assembler #2686 https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/NewHorizons/issues/2686
Missing mixer compost recipe #2673 https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/NewHorizons/issues/2673# second try with circuit 3
[balance] oilsands ore processing too cheap #2691 https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/NewHorizons/issues/2691
Fix Pump machine inserting into wrong side of tank/pipe above Fixes an issue where a pipe above the pump with its top side set to "Input Disabled" (to control flow direction) stops receiving fluid from the pump
tweaked GT crops changed attrributes for better beeding
UV motor and field generator change #2698 https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/NewHorizons/issues/2698
Ethyl Tert-Butyl Ether Recipe Inconsistency #2724 https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/NewHorizons/issues/2724
Diesel recipe suggestion #2696 https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/NewHorizons/issues/2696
Pump recipe in assembling line #2674 https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/NewHorizons/issues/2674
Adv Seismic Prospector reworked Prospects from NW to SE 9 of oilfields (6x6 chunks each) and output min-max oil amount
No styrene recipe in LCR #2740 https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/NewHorizons/issues/2740
Chemical Formulars #2727 https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/NewHorizons/issues/2727
Superconductor Wires Uncraftable #2749https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/NewHorizons/issues/2749
New Fluid regualtors for Luv-UV add textures for fluid regulators LuV-UV
Fix transformers not exploding when receiving overvoltage through P2P-EU tunnels Transformers were using the IC2 compat to draw IC2 energy from the tunnel before the tunnel got a chance to push GT energy into the
transformer. Because this uses up the transformer's max amperage, the tunnel never gets a chance to push the GT energy into it.
Fix crash when using Scanner/InfoPanel on empty Processing Array
increase tank size in Arc and Plasma Arc furnace
[suggestion] Getting flint with machines early game. https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/NewHorizons/issues/2799#
Suggestion: Nerf EV/IV Tier circuits in Robot Arms, Emitter, Sensors #2777 https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/NewHorizons/issues/2777
[recipe] oredicted recipe to make wooden pressure plates overlaps with the GT plank covers that are not oak #2801 https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/NewHorizons/issues/2801
Add more lines to GT sensor Various Fixes added defaults for clear programming removed unused SuppressWarnings fixed SuperconductorLuV need circuit 92 instead of 9
Double recipe for hypochlorous acid LCR - one uncraftable #2845 https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/NewHorizons/issues/2845
Change Palladium and Platinum to have a higer tool level for Tico
Suggestion: Remove ingot smelting to nugget mechanic #2829 (#113) * Suggestion: Remove ingot smelting to nugget mechanic #2829
added new UHV machine parts.
Add localizer for Nei fix a few recipe deps and descriptions.
changed pos of 2 variables for clear programming
updated forge version to
OreVein Hardcode Update added all Veins into Hardcode added europa, europacore veins for europa added secondlanthanid vein for T8 planets
fixed galactic greg & config differnce
resolves #2882 by enableing Tartarite ore instead of unused Promethium and Gadolinium
Fixed all 403 curseCDN ivy links by moving the jars to our own storage location SignJar New nexus/jenkins
Soften dreamcraft dependency Remove dependency from Galactigreg... Enabled Reflexion for Galactigreg
added mechanic to scan Schematics to data stics
fake re-enabled OreAchievements for compability purposes
No styrene recipe in LCR #2740 https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/NewHorizons/issues/2740
Added tooltop to DataSticks Fixed original GC Schematics changed scanner recipes to 30, 480 (from 32, 512) Schematic2DataStick
NEI fix for scanner fixed typo (32 instead of 30eu/t at Prospection Data scan) added Schematic scan NEI-recipe
quickfix for shematic chips beeing scannable
added missing cells to mixer recipe
https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/NewHorizons/issues/2801 [recipe] oredicted recipe to make wooden pressure plates overlaps with the GT plank covers that are not oak #2801
change pressure plate assembler recipes
remove old recipe from pressure plate

Config changes:

Advanced Backpacks
Update adventurebackpack.cfg

Core Mod
Update dreamcraft.cfg Fixed Avarita-SkullfireSword config Added EMT and AdvSolar SolarPanels to WA Ignore list
GT accelerator works on solar blocks #2690

Ender IO
[config][suggestion] tooltip for travel anchors and minor cooldown tweak #2899

Stained Clay doesn't go into Diggers Backpack. #2714
Suggested default option in Forestry/common.cfg #2792
Suggested default lepidopterology.cfg - to decrease the butterfly spam/lag We just killed off 2500 butterflies on our server. #2791

Galacticraft Sealable Blocks Incorrect Config #2743

Crash looking into nei when checked assline blocks #2850

[Suggestion] automating maintenance #2719
EntityCramming resolves https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/NewHorizons/issues/2812
new WorldGen config for orgen update see https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/GT5-Unofficial/pull/115
Improvements greatly reduced filesize fixed astroid dim not generating ores

to load game faster

GT++ frames are way, way, too cheap #2689 update GT++ configs

Open Computers
new oc configs
OpenComputers warning message on every game load / login #2692

Replace Pam's salt with Edible Salt

Thaumcraft Mob Aspects
Witches not giving thaumcraft mob aspects when killed #2885

Tinkers Construct
remove random modifier from Iguana and add a few more extra modifier for testing


glowstone doped monocrystalline silicon boule quest (HV tier) quest #2682,
IV circuit mainframe quest (HV tier) #2683
fix for #2688 fixed some other small mistakes in quests
Various Quest Fixes fix for #2707 #2708 #2709 #2710 #2711
Farm Control quest requires wrong electron tubes #2722
[Suggestion] Dagger of Sacrifice quest #2701
[Coins] Need Coins quest for Ocean bee #2695
HV Plate Bender quest #2744
Quest Iron Bolts ID #1156 Can't craft Iron Bolts with Ghostwood Fletching. #2737
try to fix names in Tinkers quests
update Magnalium Bolt Quest
[Quest] Add early quest explaining how to use GTOreNEI plugin #2748
Quest request: Upgrading forestry bags #2745
fixed Universal weeding spade need a mv bender.
TF Portal Crystal as Quest #2734
Vishroom coin quest wrong description and requirements #2726
[Suggestion] Thaumcraft useful things quests #2702
new quest page wand foci
Quest idea: Crafting of Galacticraft LOX Cannister #2676
Add new Wand Foci Quests
More Foci Quests [Suggestion] Thaumcraft useful things quests #2702
More Foci Quests from Tainted Magic [Suggestion] Thaumcraft useful things quests #2702
More Wand Foci Foci for Thaumic Horizons and Thaumic Bases will follow after nerf
add infused focus to quests
[] Improvements to Gallium Arsenide Quest #2758
Remove TiCo OreBerry Bushes from Quests #2757
Sulfuric Naphtah and Naphtah #2755
[balance] coke oven bricks in alloy smelter are not benefitial / take too long #2754
Quest 273 #2786
removed empty quests, added quest for Iridium screw
Large Chemical Reactor #2796
Singular staff 375 vis #2785
[Quest] Add cart chunkloader to transportation tab quests #2783
[Quest] Steeltank choice reward change #2800
Error in 3 quests #2841 MV Steam Turbine Quest #2830
SMD Components Quest #2838
Suggestion: Superconductor Quests #2837
[Suggestion] [Quest] "Lapotron Crystal" in Tier 5 changes #2848
Suggestion: Superconductor Quests #2837
Suggestion: Platinum-group Sludge Quest #2836
Quest suggestions Ass Line #992 add more IV Quests
Cannot steam-crack fuels in oil cracker #2900
Scheelite, Tungstate Quest #2891
Radeon Quest Tier 5 Change Description #2883
Sodium and lithium quests before 'how to get sodium/lithium' #2912
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Reactions: onsp and novarek


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2015
Version 27.05.2018

New Mods:

Travellers Gear 1.16.6a
Witching Gadgets 1.2.9a-GTNH

Mod Upgrade:

Crop Load Core 0.1.1
Crops PP 1.2.9
Galaxy Space 1.1.3c
GT New Horizons Core Mod 1.5.25
GT PlusPlus prerelease 21
GTTweaker 1.7.0
Pam's Harvestcraft 1.7.10n
Tec Tech 3.6.5a

Changed/added Recipes:

Biome O Plenty
Bone Meal different recipes between Sagmill and Macerator #3000

Core Mod
try to fix prim peral in core mod section not working @bartimaeusnek
change core mod script primordial Pearl

change GC recipes and tier them
remove torche from chisel group and add glowstone torch (balancing reasons on Planets)
change glowstone torch recipe
integrate Lander 3 in GC and GS
tier 3 lander not need a second seat

Broken recipe | Fixed #2933

Ender IO
[suggestion] ender fluid pipes should be more expensive #2997

Forestry circuits crafting+questing annoyance #2879

change output to tungstate (ender goo)

IC2/compact Kinetic Generators
Iron III Chloride Coin Quest Wrong Cell Requirement #2826
Fixing the Thick Neutron Collector (GTTweaker 1.7.0) Quick fix for the Thick Neutron Collector for GTTweaker 1.7.0
Kinetic Generator Recipe Rebalance #2825

Spice of Life
lunchbox needs steel screws due to changes done to the weighted pressure plate #3004

Tinkers Construct
Tinker spruce stencil #2944

Thaumic Base
Void seed (Thaumic Bases) #2940

Twilight Forest
uncraftingFix hides and removes the uncrafting table

shimmerleaf has no option to turn it into quicksilver anymore (?) #2950

Orfanix server overloading #2956

Code changes:

Core Mod
Added Uniboxinator fur GT++ compatibility
change the mass fab using gt item list because of gt++ compat
Add UHV Mass fabricator
More Bees #2917
Add UHV Centrifuge for Infinity Bee Combs
revert vac freezer reipes back in secs it was before
change centrifuge tiers for combs
nerf inifinity line
Manuyllyn recipes unbalansed #2962
Quantum chest scanning(for gravi recipe) #2959
Superconducting Coil only crafted with UHV #2924
add new glowstone torch recipe
make recipe craftable (Glowstone Torches)
No moon tungsten. Change it tungstate
bounch of fixes replaced null with "GT_Values.NI", "GT_Values.NF" or "new Int[]{10000}"
High End recipes for Infernal Brick #2991
Vanadiumsteel Dust im Mixer #3001
new recipe for #2999
Assembler recipes for EV+ GT crafting materials (robot arm, sensor, emitter) don't match shaped crafting circuit tier #2996

Add Unboxinator LuV-UV for gt++ compat
add massfab to item list gt++ compat
nuclear control displays 2.0, lang file addition (#120) applied mitchej123 fix to all turbines added .lang translation for GUI removed error log for quicksilver dust Lang file for Multiblock Information Superconducting Coil only crafted with UHV #2924Nuclear Display patch
Oregeneration config error - Apatite veins #2001
Turbine nuclear gui (#121) fixes critical server crash due to server sided getInfoData() by using StatCollector.translateToLocal instead of I18n.format
remove Styrene recipes. Now you need to go the GT++ way using Chemical dehydrator.
[RFC][Balance] Move food cans to HV #2821
Copy fix from https://github.com/Blood-Asp/GT5-Unofficial/issues/726
Fix for #2420. Small knife damage reduced, mob damage immunitiy implemented. Butchery knife damage buffed. Based on mining level, 5+ will instakill cows. Looting enchantment does not appear to work, filing separate ticket for that.
rebased Mulch recipes
applied https://github.com/Blood-Asp/GT5-Unofficial/pull/1425

Config changes:

Anger Mod
Add knife and Butchery knife to blacklist for mob explosions. Raise explosion chances to 10%. Related to https://github.com/GTNewHorizons/NewHorizons/issues/2202

Core Mod
Mana Beans are enabled for placing again
Add Gendustry Machines to the Blacklist from World Accelerators (Gendustry Apiaries are not on the list)

Ender IO
[Suggestion] Make Travel Anchor's Great Again #2939

Add a bunch of new Bees by Zoko
Chnage Gendustry recipes and configs
Mutagen is more expensive
New Gendustry recipes for Mutatron and Apiary
nerf bees
disable Infinity branch in Mutatron
Add arsenic and firestone Bee
add upgrade config override for bees

Spice of Life
Spice of Life settings #2930

Witching Gadgets
Add new Configs for Travellars Gears and Witching Gadgets


Fusion reactor and assembly line quests cleanup.
Added a tip about iron golems in the Nether
setting up pollution scrubber and wireless charger quests.
[Quest] 1k Item Storage Cell #2947
Fix GT++ Quests and add Dummy Blocks.
[Quest] Tier 2 Storage #2946
IC2 Wind Meter - quest #2945
[Quest] [Suggestion] "Indium" quest requirements #2938
(Quest Text) Making Americum #2941
Titanium Quests (suggestion) #2936
[Quest] Power of the Sun 1x1 HV #2951
MV fluid solidifier quest requires the LV machine #2873
Unnecessary item (Quest 887) #2969
New space race quests #2974
more armor quests and more space race quests
Quest ID: 1184 doesn't complete #2976
more moon quests
Too many Assembler Machine Casings in Assembling Line Quest #2980
Quest ID: 674 Wooden Rail Variants #2984
Most GT++ high priority quests completed. Need to finish thermal centrifuge and fishing port. PLease validate rewards.
Add info on higher tier knives having better looting levels.
Add Chapter Tir 7 to Quest book
fix a few quests
add EV and IV Machine parts to the coins coins coins questpage
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Reactions: novarek


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2015
Version 28.05.2018

Mod Upgrade:

GT PlusPlus 1.7.1

Changed/added Recipes:

Core Mod
Mutagen production Missing step #3010

Mutagen production Missing step #3010


Butchery Knife quest merge #3008
Food cans now in HV #3007


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There doesn't seem to be option for the last two versions in the FTB launcher, am i missing something or does it take a few days?

Also something rather useful. You can use a screwdriver to set "input from output side" on machines to bounce a single cell around, made several of my setups much neater
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Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2015
There doesn't seem to be option for the last two versions in the FTB launcher, am i missing something or does it take a few days?

Also something rather useful. You can use a screwdriver to set "input from output side" on machines to bounce a single cell around, made several of my setups much neater

I pm them guess they forget the upload.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Years of mod developing, thousands hours of playing and... How it can be? I am surrounded in Twilight forest with biomes without any chance to progress, to kill Naga.. =(


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Years of mod developing, thousands hours of playing and... How it can be? I am surrounded in Twilight forest with biomes without any chance to progress, to kill Naga.. =(
Dont worry, I was in the same situation. I thought I am stuck. But NO :). There is always narrow (really narrow)path between biomes you cannot enter. Just walk arround and find this path
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Reactions: DreamMasterXXL


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Dont worry, I was in the same situation. I thought I am stuck. But NO :). There is always narrow (really narrow)path between biomes you cannot enter. Just walk arround and find this path
Iam radically deleted dimension...

God bless that guy who made Inventory scanning in Thaumcraft!

@DreamMasterXXL Thx for fixing XP bucket errorr! With last updates now its working good!
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Reactions: DreamMasterXXL


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Iam radically deleted dimension...

God bless that guy who made Inventory scanning in Thaumcraft!

@DreamMasterXXL Thx for fixing XP bucket errorr! With last updates now its working good!

That is good solution too.
It is worth to invest in Thaumcraft progress, even if its really time consuming. But as reward you ll get much easier life and technology progress
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Reactions: DreamMasterXXL


Can I add more mods? because when I put the optifine my minecraft does not open?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
hi everyone, can anyone help with this problem :

The state engine was in incorrect state SERVER_STOPPING and forced into state SERVER_STOPPED. Errors may have been discarded.
[10:45:19] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Server terminated.
AL lib: (EE) alc_cleanup: 1 device not closed
Process exited with code -1.

It doesnt happen every time, but lets say every 10th ish lunching a save. The game itself lunch properly every time. The issue occur when I try to lunch to my saved game.


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2015
Version 09.06.2018

New Mods:

IFU (I'll find you | Early Ore Scanner)
GTNH TC Wands 1.0

Mod Upgrade:

Core Mod 1.5.27
CropsPP 1.2.9a
Detrav Scanner Mod 1.5.0
Draconic Evolution 1.0.2n
Extra Utilities 1.2.14
GT++ 1.7.1
Tec Tech 3.6.5b
Witching Gadgets 1.2.9c-GTNH

Mod Changes:

- fixed Issures with Java9
- hopefully fixed critical NBT write Issures

- try to fix crash on using infusion claw in protected areas

Witching Gadgets:
- fixed WGBF recipe map, causes no longer crashes

- added compability to vanilla GT

- added UHV Prospectors scanner
- added LV-UHV Simple scanner

Draconic Evolution:
- tried to improof performance for 11x11x11 digging with draconic Staff of power

- T2 rocket schematic fix
- Downgrading Circuits for carpenter
- Rose Gold - missing Mixer recipe
- Stainless steel dust in mixer
- Assembler Recipes matched to hand crafting recipes
- added Dirt/clay recipes

- Rose Gold - missing Mixer recipe
- reduce explosives by 50% in seismic prospector
- Added option for disabling machinemetal tinting.
- Increase chances of GT stones.
- Fix for typo
- Add back in missing large boiler pollution numbers.
- Add EU/t for monster repellent.
- Superconductor Wire processing times fixed
- Added Polybenzimidazole
- Tungsten from Endstone -> Tungstate

Config changes:

- added IFU config
- Aluminium Oreberries no longer Oredicted to Aluminium Nuggets

Recipe changes:

- Galgadorian Woodcutter buffed
- Ender quarry nerfed
- Weird recipe Onion Soup
- Thaumcraft wands/caps recipes changes
- lunchbox no longer needs steel screws
- ender fluid pipes nerfed
- Kinetic Generator Recipe Rebalance
- added Missing Mutagen production step
- Food cans now in HV
- Carpenter's Blocks Slopes buffed
- Cardboard wings crafting fix
- added recipes for liquid cryotheum and pyrotheum

Quests changes:

- GTplusplus quests added
- Add Chapter Tier 7
- Space Dungeon Quests
- fix for quest 1472(Grappler)
- Carrots quest changed
- Early game "Backed" Potatoes quest oredict error fixed
- MV Multiblock Goals changed
- Added quests for finding ores and Bart's GTNEI ore finding window.
- Removed laser engraver quest in LV. Added chemical bath quest in LV.
- Added info for new players on being online with Mojang.
- Added info on getting a backup mod or doing it manually.
- Added Ender IO Wireless Charger quest.
- Added note to Darksteeel Armor quest to do potions 3 at a time so they match correctly.
- Implosion compressor and vacuum freezer casings updated.
- Primal shroom coins quest moved to require the quest before finding primal shrooms.
- Cooldown changed to 20 minutes -long enough to encourage searching, since you only get 5 at a time.
- New information quest when starting multiublocks to not allow multiblocks to cross chunk boundaries.
- 16 new quests
- Some minor quest fixup on HV/EV quests that unlock too early.
- fixed enderquarry quest


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How to use IFU from the beginning? It needs already found ore to be inside ore finder... useless! I need mica ore for example, i really dont have any...